

  • "For me, losing weight and living a healthy lifestyle is my way of controlling the things that I can control and getting strong enough to survive the things that are out of my control." I needed to hear this today. Thanks azulvioleta6!!!
  • I like that advice!
  • I eat the wholly guacamole as a salad dressing, usually with a little vinegar. I would like to make my own. But....Every avocado that I have bought is brown on the inside and disgusting. Could someone advise me on how to pick a ripe avocado?
  • Hi Tina. My name is Brenda. I am 52. I also have struggled with my weight since getting older. It sounds like you are doing the right things....eating less, moving more. My advice would be to be consistent. Log everything you eat....good or bad. Track your exercise. Set small goals for yourself. I have been tracking since…