New to Group and MFP

tinadecavele Posts: 7 Member
Hello my name is Tina and I am almost 50 I have a year and one month to go. I have been struggling with my weight for the last several years, I feel like a yoyo. I am now adding flax seed to my diet and I am attempting to drink more water, I am getting better about making portions right and not eating when I am full. I exercise some need to do more, will start swimming when the pools open up. I have a tony little gazelle I use at home. Any suggestions would be appreciated ot things you have done and that work:).


  • akhpt4
    akhpt4 Posts: 9
    Hi Tina. My name is Brenda. I am 52. I also have struggled with my weight since getting older. It sounds like you are doing the right things....eating less, moving more. My advice would be to be consistent. Log everything you eat....good or bad. Track your exercise. Set small goals for yourself. I have been tracking since 2007. I have gone from walking 17 minute miles to running 5ks. It helps to build your confidece when you can look back and see how far you have come. I am Not saying you have to run or even walk for that matter. But just find something you enjoy. I can't give much advice on the food...I am still trying to find my way with eating right. I have learned that if you are going to exercise, you need to fuel your body. Vegetables and fruit gives me more energy than potato chips and candy. Hope some of this helps. Just know that you are not alone in this.