Awesome job mate!
Nice job all. Massive transformations all round!
Quite a few Aussies floating about for sure. Brisbane here though.
Wow mate, you look amazing. The work paid off!
Effin-A Cotton, effin-A!
Honestly, I don't know anything about electrolytes or potassium so I can't comment about either of those. I also had calf pain when walking/running when I first started. I just suffered through it, after a few weeks my calves got used to being worked and I haven't felt pain from running since.
LOL, I too clicked for the BTTF reference. Well done mate. You're bossing it!
I'm agreeing with the Wolfman on this one. It's my attitude towards myself that's changed and it reflects in interactions with people.
Brisbane here! Feel free to add me. I don't log my food anymore (because I eat the same stuff every day) but I do log all my workouts.
Brisbane! Feel free to add me. I don't log my food anymore (because I eat the same thing every day), but I log my workouts. Cheers!
Web Designer/Developer and gamer (well, not so much gaming as I used to). Pretty much play any game, though FPS would have to be my strongest. Loving Payday 2 and War Thunder atm. Please feel free to add me. I don't log my food anymore (because I eat the same stuff every day) but I log my work outs and I'll do my best to…
Take a photo of yourself right now. You can't see the changes because you're constantly seeing yourself everyday. The changes are small and you may never notice the change until you look back at photos. Was probably 3 months for me before I saw the big change.
Fit a Medium shirt.
Nice one, you look awesome!
Keep smashing it dude!
Awesome work dude!
So you're saying you find inspiration from strong and dedicated characters? Obvious example from Full Metal being Ed and Al's determination to get their bodies back? I would have to say I'm almost in the same boat. Except it's superheros. Over coming insurmountable odds usually. Real life problems don't seem so big. Lol,…
Dude, that made me laugh so hard! Love it! I'd go with Wolverine's super healing as well, but I'd have to have the adamantium skeleton as well.
How long have you been going Dolling? While the study put up by RichardFL shows effects on people on a day to day basis, I suspect that over time, your body adjusts. At least, that's what happened with me. The first month I would go through almost Bi-polar like symptoms where I would be completely happy to super angry in…
Loosing your job, car breaking down ect are things that seem to be out of your control. As they say, **** happens. It kind of seems like what may be getting you down in the loss of power. Take that power back through your exercise and diet. Control one aspect of your life, and you'll have the power and self confidence to…
Hernia. Every time I tried to work out I would get an infection that would cause my bellybutton to bleed. Took me like 4 years to get the surgery because I was an idiot.
Right forearm is currently covered in tiger stripes. Not happy with it now though. Going have them made to look furry and add some orange into the mix as well. When I'm happy I'll get the full sleeve done.
Smaller clothes. It's been expensive, but as the actual effort of this has been the mental game for me, I go through these cycles. When I fit clothes well I am happy about it. When they get too big for me though I have to get new ones otherwise my self esteem starts to fall again. It's kind of messed up. But now that I can…
Plan your whole week of eating. Buy only those things. Get rid of all the rubbish stuff from your house if you can. That's how I stay strict at least.
Wouldn't mind knowing how many people relapse and go back to playing WoW. I think I quit it 3 times. The third stuck. I've played quite a few MMOs since I got bored of wow and they are all pretty much the same thing. Loving War Thunder atm though. Good for getting a quick 15 minutes of gaming in before you have to run off.
Yep, I would eat when I was bored as well, or if I had a bad day... or a good one. HAHA. These days I don't stock junky foods, and I have set meal times. Wanting to eat outside of those times is irrelevant to me. At least that's my state of mind. Every if I were to crack, I have nothing tasty in the house anyway. I guess…
You look amazing. Well done mate :D
Oh man, I totally forgot that my mates and I played D&D while we were in high school. Staying up till the early hours of the morning defending castles and killing demons. Good times... so nerdy! LOL
Brisvegas! Got about 16kg to go. Feel free to add me as well.
You totally broke the rules... the bride is meant to be the best looking one at the wedding. :P