Louise Belcher from Bobs Burgers
Not always, if I do eat them back a bit sometimes, I don't freak out too much.
Would love more friends :)
My friend bought C4 yesterday and I am now looking into it as well. Apparently its really good and not worth bucket loads. I tried Jack3d micro which was good but I'm not sure if I would go back to it.
I agree to this, nothing is wrong with taking a weeks break.
I advise you eat a bit more than 1200 calories. That is way too restrictive and you are in no way going to fuel your body enough/lose weight healthily that way. Eat more (look at recommended calorie intake for your height and weight) and also make sure that you're putting in nutrient rich foods etc.
The way I see it is that you slowly increase your daily food intake... so only increase by 100 or so at a time and see if your weight changes or not...that's what I did and it seems to have maintained pretty well :)
I don't binge or anything like that but i definitely eat less I'll seek for comfort foods rather than stick to healthier things (aka: chocolate is a big one for me)
Never left
Great arms and lovely waist :)
Museli, Chobani, Blueberries on top for breakfast I make sure I have an apple and a banana at some stage during the day Protein Shake (O.N is the one I normally use)
I have days like this. Especially at the moment actually because I'm a bit stressed so the want for comfort food is annoyingly increasing. My weakness is corn chips for some reason. However, I generally eat really well aside from that. Don't be too hard on yourself though, I think that everyone has something that they find…
Yeah I use a lot of basic ingredients like vegetables and eggs. I make a lot of zucchini slice which is really filling and great as its the kind of thing you can just put whatever you want in it (like spinach and mushrooms and things as well if you want). I also eat a lot of fritattas because again you can put whatever you…
Effexor caused weight gain for me but currently taking Zoloft and it doesn't appear to have any weight gain side effects. I guess it depends on person to person unfortunately :( each body reacts differently to these. I hope you find the right one for you one day. Perhaps a psychiatrist may be able to help a bit? They can…
That annoying version of "All I want for Christmas" by Mariah effing Carey. Thank god I no longer work in a department store because they played that non stop.
Yep. I'm determined. I'm from Australia but going overseas to visit family in Canada. Got myself some thermal running gear because I'm determined to make sure I stay in shape AND have a good trip :)
Athletic. I don't really think this is a good representation of different body types though.
Probably because you're eating next to nothing and your body is panicking and likely going to go into starvation mode. TDEE now. Go go go.
It's unrealistic to think that you can eat 100% clean. As long as MOST of the foods you eat are nutritious and fuels your body then thats good enough. You have to allow yourself to have a treat now and again (say that you make one day a week a week where you kind of have a bit of a cheat day) because if you don't then…
I have found significant improvements from doing weights. I'm really sick of this idea that women get bulky from doing weights. The women that DO get bulky from doing weights are because their goals are to become that way (ie: body-building comps etc) I love doing weights and have found that my arms, butt and thighs are…
Yay! going to give it a go on the weekend I think :)
Not necessarily. Even just some core exercises will help like v sits, double crunches, toe touches etc. Don't need lifting specifically :) If you do enjoy lifting though, I do agree with others, you can do deadlifts and squats. I love doing both :)
45-60 mins x 3 a week
28 per fortnight. Thats in Australia at Goodlife Healthclubs.
Yeah I think probably Zombieland! :P It is important to be able to outrun a zombie :) As for others probably Run Fatboy Run. I think Simon Pegg is fantastic!
Love it. Totally agree!
Yeah that's what I consider my cheat meals to be. I just let myself treat myself to whatever off a menu :) I think you're fine though. As other people said, you'd have to be eating a hell of a lot more than your maintenance goal in order to gain anything x