JeopardyLeyton Member


  • Studies have shown that yoghurt is a good thing to add to a weight loss diet -there is some evidence to suggest it helps increase metabolism - that's fat free yoghurt though. Fage Total 0% natural greek yoghurt is amazing, so thick and creamy and with sweetener and fruit is really delicious and filling. Obviously as many…
  • Well I had never been on a diet before, so when I decided to do one, I asked someone at work who had lost a lot of weight recently, and she said she had done this Dukan Diet, so I signed up for it on a whim. I was so eager to get started and she'd been successful with it. And as I said before, these meds I'm on have given…
  • I do make sure I am eating no more than 1600 cals a day and normally about 1200. So I am eating at a calorie deficit, but the problem is I just want to eat yogurt and nothing else, so I am wondering if that will cause problems, just eating one thing? I get such huge cravings for it, and all other types of foods, the idea…
  • I have been on it for over a year, and have to be on anticoagulants for my whole life. It is very sensitive to changes in your diet, activity and other medications, which is why you need to have regular blood tests to check that your blood is clotting at the right rate. You can eat things with vitamin K in them, but only…
  • I couldn't even get through this thread without having to take a break to exercise, it is so motivating! And I haven't exercised in forever, due to chronic illness. Thanks so much everyone! Your combined hotness lit a fire under me! :)