Men lose weight more quickly than women, it's a physiological thing. Where a woman, on the right energy reduction, can lose up to 1-3#/week a man on the same diet could lose 4-6#. Don't fret.
Hi Idrive300, Welcome to the daily circuit!
Yay for all the clean eating support! My diary is open, feel free to add me, I could always use some food conscious friends!
@ Sofielein ---- I may not be as strict as some but I am big on organic and local. I stay away from anything dead, and when I say that I don't mean just meat. I mean processed foods too like bread and crackers. My ideal food has a very high water content and is still alive! Enzymatic activity ---raw food, minimally…
AH! I am so happy to have found you all! Rock on real food eaters!
Greetings from the cold and snowy St. Paul, Minnesota!
Congrats on getting off some of your meds! You seem like you know what you're doing fellow Minnesotan!
One more MN lady here! Rock it out all!
I'd look into food allergies dude! You might be self-sabotaging and not even realizing it. Gluten, lactose, soy, corn....they can all play huge part in hormone disruption which can make losing weight a challenge. Get rid of that fast food, get some greens, and then more greens. Good Luck!
Hey - I totally support RAW! It's truly the only way to go if you want to live life with the verve and tenacity it calls for. I am currently a student of nutrition working closely with ED issues, recovering bulimic myself. Way to be awesome at finding a path that works for you. Rock on!