

  • I use to do a cheat day, but I went overboard...I now just alow myself a cheat meal. Something I want and then I refuse to feel bad for it. I try to cut out things like french fries, and soda. If I go to a sit down place I drink water, and order veggies as a side...and cut the apps out. It's a pretty good system for me.
  • Looking at your ticker I have no doubt that you will make that goal. WTG:)
  • Thanks so much Alice, Good luck to you:) Great to meet so many wonderful ppl here.
  • Thank You so much, As far as my diet This had been dreadful... I am a carb happy girl, and Diabetes does not like my carb happiness. I had to cut that alot. I just try to eat things that taste halfway decent, I try not to lay harsh rules on myself because then I just end up freaking out and eat everything I want all at…