I'm Wore out!

mjhartsel Posts: 5
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
Here's my story, I am 32 years old, I am a Mom to a 3 yr old little boy, and a Wife to a Military Husband. I met my Hubby 13 yrs ago, I was a size 7 and I had been working in an exotic Adult Bar for 3 years(Cocktail Waitress) lol .. Needless to say I was a alot smaller then. I've always had a big butt/boobs...even when I was young. Overall though I maintained a size 7/8 - 9/10 and that was a nice size for me....Well that my friend was 10 or so years ago...

Then Came domestication...I went on birth control at 23 and thats where it started, within a year I had gained about 40lbs. We we're young and broke, so we ate out, and cheap all the time....BK had the whopper special back then.....99 cent , yeah so that was dinner alot. By the time I was 25 I weighed a whopping 265 size 26 I did the diets and time and time again I failed, I would just gain another 5 lbs or so back. Then My hubby enlisted in 03 and deployed to Iraq the first time in 04. I had a workout friend who was amazing I lost 32 lbs in 6 mnths. I was in a size 20 /22 Hubby came home. I went to see a DR about getting pregnant, during that time I was diagnoised with type 2 diabetes, and I found out I was pregnant, so of course I was uncontrolled, pregnancy was rough by 20 weeks I was taking 5 shots insulin per day, My Dr. said that my body hated insulin, I lost 20 lbs within the first 20 weeks just by trying to eat healthy diabetic food. My Son was born at 30 weeks weighed 8lbs 2oz thats right folk's he was a 2 month preemie he had alot of complications such as swollen heart, liver, high blood sugar...awww you name it. Happy to say he is a very healthy 3 yr old now.

So deployment number 3 I signed up at a gym and I made myself go that was last Feb. Fat Tuesday to be exact..(haha they offered free tanning) I'm proud to say that almost a year later I go to the gym 5 days a week, and I work super hard. I have slipped a few times and i do allow myself treats/ and food I like occasionally. I have lost 60 lbs , and I feel good, better than I have felt since my early 20's . I can keep up with my kid... I am almost under 200 which right now is my ultimate goal, I still have a long ways to go but I have passed the halfway mark.

I am tired though, I burn anywhere from 500-1200 calories just wkring out everyday. I am starting to feel bored, and my feet are awful looking from running/ climbing at 15 incline and speed of 3.8 for an hour a day...yeah not kind to the toes. I am trying to keep it fun, and stay focused, I am hoping this site will help me keep doing what I have worked so hard for. I refuse to go back. This time was different Dr gave me all this new meds to take for my diabetes, and he said "Maria if you lose weight you wont have to take these meds" I hate the way the meds make me feel, so my bottle is in my cabinet, and I hope that I never have to open it.

I am in a size 14 and I get to shop in the regular section...I still walk to the plus size because I forget..lol it feels nice, I just don't want to get excited and slack off ....Anyway My next goal is to get down to 175 by June my Sons Bday..Wish me luck! My Best friend told me about this site and said that this would offer a great support I already feel better just talking about things. Wish you all the best!

Jacksonville, NC


  • ROSLE26
    ROSLE26 Posts: 13 Member
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    Welcome and congrats on your progress so far! I too am wanting to reach 175 by June. I hope we both make it there! Good luck reaching your goals!
  • Thank you so much for sharing your story! I'm really inspired by it and motivated to keep going. I would suggest signing up for a race to keep yourself motivated and mix things up a bit. If it's possible, consider a sprint triathlon. It forces you out of your box and gives you the opportunity to train in different ways. Good luck!
  • Maria, this site is absolutely great and the support here is phenomanal. Congrats on your success so far! That's awesome. I have every faith that you'll meet your next goal. Keep the faith, keep checking in, and know that you're not alone.


  • Thank You so much, As far as my diet This had been dreadful... I am a carb happy girl, and Diabetes does not like my carb happiness. I had to cut that alot. I just try to eat things that taste halfway decent, I try not to lay harsh rules on myself because then I just end up freaking out and eat everything I want all at once.., I think I have to allow myself different cravings, or whatever so that I don't fail. Every diet I have ever tried had restrictions and rules. I have really tried to make the "Lifestyle change" . I don't drink my calories..lol When I add up calories and I can have something I want, I make sure it's not in liquid form, so many pounds from drinking alcohol, and sweet tea. Now days I consider that a waste of maybe sugar fee ice cream I could have..lol. I eat Salmon twice a week, and add a fruit with my breakfast. I'm very thankful that I like veggies, so that was an easy change... Mostly, I just stopped eating out so often, and make myself have breakfast. I make my dinner on my 3 yr old sons size plate for portion size, and I drink alot of water...I mean alot.. I also carry a healthy snack in my purse like 100 cal crackers or nutri grain bar so that I'm not tempted to eat fast food if I'm out. I give myself 1 cheat meal a week. ( this has sometimes resulted in 3 cheat meals or so) This has helped me keep my sanity, I still try to use good portion control, but eat something that I really love...like Mexican food, or a piece of fried chicken..something , so that I don't feel trapped. I'm not trying to be super skinny, just healthy and active, so because I have my cheat times this has resulted in what I would consider a slow weight loss. I'm okay with that though. I'm super serious about excercise though I do not slack there. I guess thats why I am able to justify my cheat meals to myself. I use to have a cheat "Day" but I stopped that, and just decided i could have a cheat meal, so that was a good change.
  • Thanks so much Alice, Good luck to you:) Great to meet so many wonderful ppl here.
  • Looking at your ticker I have no doubt that you will make that goal. WTG:)
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