

  • What a great topic to bring up! I am going to tag this for when I have a chance to come back and read it.
  • Such an Inspiration to me! You look great! Thank you for sharing your journey of taking your life back with us, it gets me motivated forsure. Side note, You are the third person I have read doing the couch to 5K I am totally going to have to look into this.
  • I didn't know about the book. After I seen this post( the very first one) .I went an did a search of just Jillian Michaels to see if there was anything else.the poster above said she came at it as a "vanity stand point" or something along those lines(I don't think I am totally quote the person exactly so forgive me... but…
  • What Inspiration! When I get a chance to come to the community side of MPF. Seeing people with stories like yours. I cant help but think Inspiration, , and Love for self (if you didn't love yourself. would you have put in all that work, learning healthier foods, exercise etc.. ). FOR me When I see things like your story,…
  • Bump I am in the same boat. Heck I even have the break down of calories per serving (a lot of the times) from example ....the site skinny is a site where moms (I am not one but I love this site) they take recipes and skinny ize it lol .. tweak it so you cut the calories down.... but I have no clue how to add the…
  • Thank you so much for the warm welcome. :) I am on the fence right now when it comes to insurance. I am losing it at the end of this month.(we are trying to figure out how and if we can afford Cobra that is offered for me thru my old job I had to quit... another option is we may be able to get insurance through my…
  • Thank you for your welcome! When I joined MFP I was concentrating on portion control and making better food choices. I have been getting a bit over board with a few things I myself am aware of... when I saw the post about PCOS I thought hummm ... I really need to look totally into this part of my health.... I honestly…
  • Good morning! A friend request is on its way! :)
  • Good morning! A friend request is on its way!
  • Hello! I just had to reply to your post. I have about 110 to lose. A friend of mine told me about this site awhile ago and just one day I woke up and told my husband. I am going to get started. Here I am ! :) I am 41 yrs old and I live in Louisiana. My husband is very fit and very on board with me and supportive. I am very…