butlerjandb Member


  • I just submitted my info in hopes to find a twin... Guess that will tell if she's still doing this.
  • Hey there Hearts_Desire.... I completely know how you feel when you step on the scale and see the increase of 2 lbs. It's very discouraging. Yes, the water retention from eating a sodium filled food can hurt you in your motivation to keep seeing that scale go down. In fact, I myself experienced this today. I gained 1.2 lbs…
  • I also am back again! Hope your health stays up. Coming back after some failing health is a great start. I just hope to make this time more successful. It's all about the effort you put into it, so here I go! :) I'm back to logging my food which helps me be more concious on what I put in my mouth. I didn't have any friends…
  • @tiffanyquincey - I had this asked recently to me. It sucks and the last time I had someone ask me I ended up losing 60 lbs. I am sorry you were asked this. It's very hurtful, though they may have not meant to be. :(