She knew she could do so much better :)
Arc de triomph. Or Marble Arch.
X. Damn. Xylophone abs.. Then yummy for the lady who posted at the same time as me :)
Looking awesome! Your eyes really shine now!!
Looking awesome!
I've maintained for over a year now. Always happy to be added if I can be of help :)
I am man. Always happy to be added :)
Everyones different I guess. I took about 4 months I guess, but they say 2lb a week is sensible, so 6 months should be reasonably realistic on that basis!
Lose the headphones and take in all thats going on around you, especially if running in the countryside!
I get that too, but because I now run up to marathon distance (normally at least 8 miles 3 times a week during a normal non event training week) my body has tailored itself for long distance so the first 4 miles really suck. Only 18 months ago I couldn't imagine even running 4 miles!
Just decent running shoes for me. Had my gait checked and always buy appropriate Asics shoes and change them about every 300 miles/3 months. Thats just me though!
Hot Hot Hot!
It's just a matter of time then :) Be patient, and of course if you lose it too quickly its supposedly easier to put it back on!
I do fitness pal properly, weighing everything, logging everything that passes my lips, and I also started running again. 2-3 miles 2-3 times a week to start with and building up from there. I have lost 74lbs and ran my first marathon in May in 3hrs40mins. It's fair to say the running bug bit me! I started on 1200 calories…
Why not, it's an internet friend request, not moving in together :D I'd accept all of you!
Erm... I check the post and get a gladiator. Hot by default, but not convinced real!! :D
@facetious fire Thanks! I'm not gay either, but can admire your handsomeness :) @livadaloca - hot!
Sept 2012 Dec 2013 Dec 2012 Dec 2013 May 2014 May 2014 Im the taller one in them all...
hot hot hot!!
There aren't many of me, as I wasn't a fan of having my picture taken, but when I do see one, it makes me wonder how I let myself get like that knowing how i live my life now!!
Great stuff! Well done!!
Thank you!
It's vital! 75g of pasta (dry) is about 270 calories, so if you have 85g it's then 306. Only 36 calories, but pasta twice a week and that's 3700 calories a year, just from pasta! That's before you think about potato, rice etc! If you are honest with mfp the results will come!!
You look ace! Well done!
Thanks! 12 months ago I wouldn't have gone within a mile of chunky knit as I'd have looked massive! I got 3 of them now!!