

  • I've been using the app since Monday, and have been on the site since Tuesday...I find that just logging on every day helps to keep me accountable. I know that I feel hungry sometimes, but I don't want to see my intake go over my goal number, so I stay away from the food I don't need. At least I can feel proud of myself…
  • Me too! I started on Monday an am looking forward to sticking with it. If you guys need encouragement and such like I do, feel free to add me as a friend. :)
    in Hello Comment by AlySedai January 2011
  • This is me exactly.
  • This is one of the biggest problems that I face as well. I try to keep it out of my house and that works pretty well...the only problem is when I'm at work because people always bring that stuff in. I'm trying to keep it all in perspective and realize that maybe a little is okay now and then, but I've just got to live with…
  • Lovely Newport News VA. I really can't stand it here. But that's okay. I'm stuck here for now. ^^