Hello everyone!!!

karrieflick Posts: 1
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
this is an awesome site! Just getting used to using it this is day 2. It seems like it will be a very useful tool and really keep me aware of what I am eating and how much work I have to do to keep my caloric intake in line. I want to lose 20 pounds and it is going to be a daily struggle of just saying no to all the things I know I should not be eating but I feel like I can really do this!! Any helpful suggestions or advice as I set out on this journey?


  • Nathfrenchie
    Nathfrenchie Posts: 19 Member
    Welcome! I just joined yesterday.....so just wishing you the best. (No advice, since I haven't done much yet!) Good luck! :happy:
  • Hello, I just joined this week too. Im looking to lose about 20 ponds as well. It seems to already be helping me, I dont feel as hungry and I am more aware of what I am eating. Good luck.
  • Ben2118
    Ben2118 Posts: 571 Member

    I know how you feel!, my first day was boxing day and we were having a buffet!!!

    I think finding healthier food that tastes good has helped me, I don't intend to live off lettuce! lol

    I also compare stuff to the amount of exercise needed to burn it off! If someone offers me a can of coke for example, I know that's at least 10 mins flat out on my bike just to have a drink so I find myself reaching for a bottle of water :-).

    Good Luck

  • Welcome to MFP!!! This site is an awesome site. It is about so much more than weight loss. The most important thing that I would say to help you achieve your goal is to "Expect Setbacks." You didnt gain weight overnight and you surely wont lose it overnight. We have all these equations to help us watch our calorie intake, how many calories burned, etc., but some never add life's roadblocks to the equation. As long as you keep pushing forward through the ups and downs, you will reach your goal. Be honest with yourself. If you bite it, write it. Set realistic goals for yourself. Remember our bodies are different. What works for me may not work for you. So find what works for your body and run with it. Anyways, I wish you a successful journey. :drinker:
  • croutson
    croutson Posts: 9 Member
    I've been on the site for a couple months, but I only started really using it at the beginning of this year. My sister-in-law uses this site and she's lost over 30 lbs, so she is what motivated me to join too! I will say that it is nice being able to keep track of what I'm eating and recording all my workouts. It has kept me motivated to get on every day and look at my progress. Good luck!
  • Silky815
    Silky815 Posts: 367 Member
    Welcome and good luck on your weight loss journey. This site is a very good tool in changing your life for the better. Feel free to add me as a friend and for support.
  • Good Morning!! I joined officially Monday even though I have had the app on my phone a couple of weeks :) This site has shown me so much already... I can't believe how much crap I used to eat!!! I have over 100lbs. to lose but it doesn't seem so bad when I take it day by day. Good luck everyone!
  • I've been using the app since Monday, and have been on the site since Tuesday...I find that just logging on every day helps to keep me accountable. I know that I feel hungry sometimes, but I don't want to see my intake go over my goal number, so I stay away from the food I don't need. At least I can feel proud of myself for doing that. I figure I'll take it day by day, and that way I'm not worrying about anything. If I don't lose anything today, or tomorrow, there's always the day after that, and next week. One day at a time.
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