jessmadd37 Member


  • Just a little victory today... I lost a half inch on my hips! I also am doing much better today on the amount of sugar I consume. Normally I consume anywhere from 80 to over 100 grams or sugar more than my daily amount. Today I'm only 10 grams over! The day isn't over yet, but that's still much better than before.
  • Yaaaay! Pretty soon you'll be able to do all the jumps I bet. :)
  • That's awesome! Congratulations!
  • Goals for March: 1.) Exercise, exercise, exercise!!! 2.) Eat more fruits and vegetables. 3.) Remember to take my vitamins and drink more orange juice! 4.) Make lunches to take to school (and remember to bring them with me!!)
  • I'm really bad at exercising. My schedule is crazy busy and I don't have a lot of time, but I also don't try hard to make time. I use the exercise room at my apartment complex, which closes at 10. When I go I do a 30 minute walk at 4.0 miles per hour with a 10% grade incline. It's a really good workout and I need to do it…
  • Last week I got home late from an exhausting and stressful shift at work. All I wanted in the world was food from McDonalds and an ice cold pepsi. I really just didn't want to cook. I managed to beat the cravings and convince myself to eat some smoked gouda cheese, crackers and pickles and drank some Crystal Light…
  • Hello everyone! My name is Jessica, I'm a 23-year-old full-time student, part-time hostess at a restaurant. I have been struggling with my weight for only a year now, but I already miss my size 9 jeans. I can't make myself get rid of them because I am convinced that I will fit into them again and I'm determined to get…