sbatch43 Member


  • I ended up losing 1.8 yesterday so i was beating myself for nothing really. Good lesson learned though. Thank you for the trail mix idea THAT is EXACTLY what i was looking for!!!! :-)
  • I guess I should also be clear that I wasn't hungry and decided to eat the Twix. I was just going for a last minute calorie boost to make sure I had enough to help burn off the weight. Once the Twix hit the buds I went nuts and WANTED pop-tarts. As I finished them I .... no, actually while I finished the last one I began…
  • Even while doing that workout and hurting through it, I was in good spirits and wanting her to push me. I KNOW I would not have pushed myself if I were home or alone in a gym somewhere. Shortly after the pain kicked in I would have been done. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I'm glad I have a trainer, for me it's…
  • I am generally a happy go lucky guy. A friend at this party is one of those camera freaks, snapping all day long. he shared this one with me and a bunch of others, usually I don't care. I am not about self hate, I'm just using this NASTY picture of me to help keep me motivated. All my life I could eat whatever I wanted and…
  • In response to kdeaux1959 re sleeping, I have a violent insomnia cycle. It lasts for about 3-4 months, I've had numerous sleep studies over the years and they can't seem to nail it down. But yes, the going to bed early and the non-eating at night go hand in hand for me. I am happy to say that I have been tired and going to…
  • Note to self, quickest way to get discouraged is to weigh yourself more than once a day! I have that withings scale and this morning it says I am down 4 more lbs, well tonight before I leave for the personal trainer I check again, after being good all day with food and exercise, and I've regained those 4 lbs!?!?!?!…