

  • Hi Everyone I am a 29yr old mother of a 4yo boy from Australia. I have just received the phone call from the hospital to say you can now have your sleeve on the 28th of may. Lets just say I am soooooo scared sad I want to set a good example for my son in life and yes after trying lots of weight loss tools (which nothing…
  • Hi Everyone I am a 29yr old mother of a 4yo boy from Australia. I have just received the phone call from the hospital to say you can now have your sleeve on the 28th of may. Lets just say I am soooooo scared sad I want to set a good example for my son in life and yes after trying lots of weight loss tools (which nothing…
  • Hi Everyone I am a 29yr old mother of a 4yo boy from Australia. I have just received the phone call from the hospital to say you can now have your sleeve on the 28th of may. Lets just say I am soooooo scared :sad: I want to set a good example for my son in life and yes after trying lots of weight loss tools (which nothing…