

  • Thanks for the tip! This is local-ish to me, I will have to check to see if I can find some samples. Most of the complaints I see are about the flavour, and not specifically the texture, so it might be decent. Flavour is easy to fix with juice or almond milk, don't know why people always complain about it so much.
  • I'm allergic to milk proteins, so anything with whey is out. My Dr. is concerned that I may also have another meat/dairy protein allergy, and has suggested I go on a elimination diet and eat vegan for a month to see if symptoms improve, and then gradually add back different animal proteins to see what my body can handle if…
  • I'm not a huge fan of bananas in my smoothies, so this is what I do to make gritty protein powders bearable: 1-2 cups of coconut milk (or almond, or soy or regular milk) 2 Cups of frozen berries 1 serving of protein powder 1-2 tablespoons (depending on how much milk) chia seeds 1 tsp vanilla I always make sure to gradually…