

  • I feel your pain. I was doing really good on this and then I started to get lazy and I am back on today after maybe 2 months of not logging on. It is a constant battle but we will get there in the end. You need to keep your head up and concentrate on what you have achieved so far and think if you hadn't joined here then…
  • Everyone is welcome to add me :)
  • Yeah I am feeling motivated too at the moment I hope it lasts though. I am always great at the start of diets but after a few weeks I always slip back to old habbits that have me overweight in the fist place
  • Hi Guys. Its great to have some support when everyone is in the same boat :smile: Yeah it keeps telling me I am not eating enough either which I cant really understand because I seem to be eating alot but i think its because I get the extra calories for exercise.