

  • OMG!!!! I so understand what all of you guys are going through. My daughter who is 7 constantly tells me that my stomach is wiggley and that my arms are big. Trust me when i say it still hurts my feelings so bad, and I know that she is a child and she sees how my expression changes and I get sad when she tells me, then i…
  • Yes, girl i agree with jovanny. we are going to make it. this is just another hill you have to climb. the first was when you began this new transformation. You began to get it down pack, have lost 30lbs. now you going to push through the p90x and make it to the other side of the hill. we cant give up, i got your back just…
  • Well as of next week I too will be starting Zumba. Hope it goes well and I love it as much as everyone says i will. I can't wait. Ill post how my progress goes with it.
  • I can't wait till Monday. I have to see whether i wil meet up on Saturday or Sunday to do the switch from P90X to Zumba to start. So excited!
  • How would you know if you are suffering from depression? At times I have felt that I go through stages of depression. It is a very hard thing for me to talk about and feel sometimes that might have affect on me trying to lose the weight. This is the very first time I have opened up and spoke about this in reference to…
    in Depression. Comment by yessi03 May 2011