gochnour3 Member


  • I am 5'6" and was 205 in May 2011. Sunday I was 166.5. I eat 60% carbs and a 2000 cal goal because I run 5-6 days a week. I just try to make sure the carbs come from fruit, and whole grains. We do a lot of fruit for dessert so it gives me my sweet fix too. Its mostly about good food choices. And moderation. :-) good luck!!
  • Also, I was concerned that my HR was so high, and talked to my provider about it. I recover back down to 100s and then back to resting 60-70 at an appropriate time period, so my doc was not concerned.
  • I run distance, and I maintain a HR of 160s-170s while running if am above a comfortable jog. And I have been running for years now. When i started, I could easily get my HR into the 190s. I was 205 at 66" and running at a 5.5 and yes, my HR was through the roof. That is a using manual HR check AND a Polar HR monitor. I do…
  • I run 6 days a week and do three days of strength training (just started- YAY!!). I was stuck at 171 for like, 5 weeks. I was eating about 1800 calories a day. I bumped it to 2000 a days and had a breakthrough! Now, I have used multiple websites and a nutritionist to help me figure out my BMR and exercise expenditure. and…
  • what an example you have set for your sons!!
  • Hey all! Ohio Army Nat Guard Med Detachment here... almost 11 yrs- 8enlisted, up for CPT this year if I can get off the weight control program. I have never NOT been taped, but also never had an issue passing until last year when we quit smoking. Then APril 2011 I was dubbed OIC of the PT and HT/WT program for our…
    in Welcome! Comment by gochnour3 March 2012
  • I weigh everyday, and not gonna lie, I get a kick out of weighing after a workout too, even though I knwo its just water weight. My friends and husband thought I was nuts, but I went to a nutritionist sports med doc and he said its great- said that research showed that people who weighed themselves more tended to stick to…
  • 160! we shall see from there