

  • Personally I don't think what you wear matters that much. Wear a loose pair of jeans if that's all you've got. There are so many things that are more important than your clothes. Like the fact that you're out there doing what you need to do to take care of yourself. Someone once told me that you shouldn't worry about what…
  • Be glad you get 40, I only get 24g and I go over often although I am making more of an effort to limit this. I've lost 10 pounds and have been a dedicated logger for 30 days now. I am happy with my progress and don't feel too deprived. Not sure how much going over on my sugars has slowed me down but I'm happy with my…
  • Hang in there, 21 pounds lost sounds like you are on the right track! Keep up the good work!
  • I say take it over to a neighbor and share with them. You won't waste it and you won't add it to your waist..... Plus they'll think you are thoughtful to share with them. p.s. I made some carmel corn today, had a few bites, saved some for the family for the game tonight and took the rest to the neighbors, they have small…
  • Hang in there, maintaining is better than gaining. Trying doing some different exercise than normal. our bodies get used to a certain amount of exertion and then go into maintain mode. Doing something different or something extra might give you a kick start again. Also, I try not to record my exercise until late in the…
  • get more exercise instead
  • Don't be discouraged. If your not used to exercise and recently started doing some, you are replacing some fat with muscle. Since muscle weighs more than fat, you are not seeing a change. But don't stop exercising because muscles use more calories to maintain themselves so evenatually your work will pay off. You are making…
    in plateau Comment by momroe January 2011
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