How to cut down on sugar? Healthy/inexpensive treat ideas, p

marviola Posts: 3
edited September 23 in Food and Nutrition
Hey all,

I am relatively new to this site - I've been logging what I've been eating for about 3 weeks and have experienced minimal weight loss, but slowly incorporated exercise and better eating habits into my days. I believe I am on the right track now, but oftentimes I am over my sugar limit for the day even though I am within my calories. I eat a banana and an apple every day and a small treat (like a cup of frozen yogurt, a couple of mini dark chocolate bars) every evening. I honestly feel like I'm honoring good portion sizes, but I'm afraid that sugar might be hindering my weight loss.

Is the 40g limit (I believe) a realistic sugar goal for the day? What range do most people stay within?

Thanks so much!

~ Marissa :smile:


  • sophieshaped
    sophieshaped Posts: 228 Member
    I only have 24g, and often go over it – but MFP doesn't distinguish between natural sugars (like in your apple and banana) and processed sugar. I try to keep within my 24g excluding fruit. However, I do also avoid eating too much fruit. My PT said the other day to eat the apple with some cottage cheese, as it helps combat the sugar or something (stop me if I'm getting too scientific for you here!!)

    I'd definitely try and cut back on the sweet treats, and look at the processed stuff you're eating too.

    Good luck :o)
  • I try to stay within the 20g range or so because I'm prediabetic and have a natural insulin resistance due to PCOS. I'm not sure what would be a good amount for someone with natural hormone balance.
  • atred
    atred Posts: 7
    You may want to look at your other carbs to see if they are high in sugar. It can really add up quickly from pasta, rice, peas, carrots, etc. Reducing or swapping those out with lower glycemic items may leave more room for your sweet treats.

    I love fruit as a sweet. Berries are lower in sugar than bananas. Make sure your apple is a green apple, less sugar than red. Dark chocolate is one of my favorites too.

    If I'm out of calories for the day and need something sweet, I have peppermint tea. While it's not sweet, consuming it seems to help.

    Good luck!
  • Be glad you get 40, I only get 24g and I go over often although I am making more of an effort to limit this. I've lost 10 pounds and have been a dedicated logger for 30 days now. I am happy with my progress and don't feel too deprived.
    Not sure how much going over on my sugars has slowed me down but I'm happy with my progress
    Keep plugging
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    I stick to 28-30 g of sugar a day and won't go over that--but I don't eat fruit because of the high sugar content. It raises my blood sugar level, makes it crash, and then that is what causes hunger and cravings-.
  • newjmf
    newjmf Posts: 78
    If I go over on my sugar due to fruit, I don't sweat it because those are "good sugars". I usually have 3 Quaker Chocolate Crunch rice cakes or one serving of Sensible Portions Apple Cinnamon Straws in the afternoon, about one hour before my evening workout. These serve 2 is to "carb up" before the work out (for energy) and the other is to satisfy my sweet tooth.

    3 rices cakes = 180 calories & 9 sugars
    1 portion of apple cinnamon straws (38 straws) = 130 calories & 2 sugars

    I found both at Wal-Mart.on the chip isle. The rice cakes are on the bottom shelf and the Sensible Portion straws are on the top shelf directly above the rice cakes.

    I hope this helps give you some ideas!
  • atred
    atred Posts: 7
  • norriedawn
    norriedawn Posts: 16 Member
    I struggle with the sugar amount too. I am frequently between 60 to 90, especially when I eat fruits. I don't want to cut fruits out though because they have good nutrients and fiber. I like yogurt and milk but have switched to lower sugar versions - So Nice organic soy milk and Astro Zero Fat Free Yogurt. I also like the Peak Freans Lifestyle cookies; 3 cookies only have 6g of sugar which is lower than a lot of snacks. Try switching to splenda in your baking too if you can. Almonds are also supposed to be a good healthy snack; you would just need to watch how many you eat due to the fat content. Cottage cheese is a good snack too.
  • SheliaN1960
    SheliaN1960 Posts: 454 Member
    Hi! I go over my sugar every single day for 44 days. I will tell you that it is 75% less than what my body was getting on a everyday basis, so I figure that even though I am going over 30 or 40 sugars I am still doing a great job. The sugar that I eat now is from fruit and veggie so I see this as a + and not a bad thing! Best wishes.
  • Thanks to everyone who said not to count fruits - I feel better now. I at least eat an apple and a banana every day and then one actual sweet, and I am careful not to consume high glycemic index fruits like grapes!
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