

  • Yesterday was a turning point when my partner said he did not want me to go through another summer of me crying as I can't find nothing to wear as I feel fat. He said he had watched me for the last three weeks and all I done is eat crap and sit on my back side so now I need to take control. Just under 200lb and 5ft 4, I…
  • I need to start this challenge, three days into October and I can't seem to stop eating. I'm getting bigger and bigger and this is the most difficult time I have found to lose weight. I'm a serial yo yo diet but I want to get heathy. This challenge is what I need????
  • This is going to be hard, as I'm a snacker, however my journey to weight starts on the 1st October, so count me in ????????????
  • I'm in, love to lose more, as my journey to healthy eating starts on the 1st October
  • I totally understand. I think I tried most diets out there and nothing seems to work. I recently joined weight watchers with a friend. She ate crap, drank and didn't exercise losing 2lb and i followed the diet to the book, exercised and gained 1lb. Needless to say i cancelled my membership due to all the healthy foods…