Weight Loss with IBS?

Embarrassing, uncomfortable, inconvenient... and most of all, the enemy of people trying to lose weight:

I was diagnosed with IBS (by my gastroenterologist) when I wa16...

For me, and other sufferers, there's no such thing as "regular."

I won't go into the details, but I'm looking to start a support group for folks who are trying to lose
weight while living/struggling with this uncomfortable syndrome.

For instance, I can have a PERFECT week... 1400 calories/day, vigorous workouts 4-5x/week. Then,
I step on the scale, expecting at least a 1 lbs loss... and I've gained 1.5 lbs! Why? Because my body is full
of toxins, waste, gas, liquid, etc.

It is the most frustrating thing I encounter in my dieting. I can tone my arms, my legs, but my abdomen just stays the same (or gets bigger) when I'm having a bad IBS week.

Can anyone else relate? Message me.


  • mjessim
    mjessim Posts: 15 Member
    Trying to lose weight with IBS, I have found that the best time to weigh your self is in the morning right when you wake up. It's a more accurate reading. I was weighing myself at night before I went to bed and I was getting the same thing. One day I'd be down to 134 and the next I'd be back up to 138. I'm also only weighting myself once a week. It's less discouraging. I've also found that tracking what I am eating helps me find foods that could potentially be causing flare ups.

    Current Diet restrictions: Dairy, Red Meat, Caffeine, Black Beans, Corn, Tomato Skins.

    I am on a probiotic regimen that does allow me to eat about 1-3oz of dairy a day. I need the calcium boost. I am terrible at balancing out my nutrients with veggies and fruits alone. I'm working to get better at that.

    Stress is another big factor in IBS flare ups (for most people) consistent exercise and proper sleep schedule will help with that. I currently do Cardio every other day and mix in a light strengthening and toning class and Yoga on the off days. This way I get the high activity of cardio, and also the stretch that pulls the stress out of the muscles.
  • Tashac17
    Tashac17 Posts: 6
    I totally understand. I think I tried most diets out there and nothing seems to work. I recently joined weight watchers with a friend. She ate crap, drank and didn't exercise losing 2lb and i followed the diet to the book, exercised and gained 1lb. Needless to say i cancelled my membership due to all the healthy foods especially raw veg and fruit irritating my stomach. I am now trying to exercise more and I have recently cut out milk from my diet but I am still bloated and always constipated. Really fed up.
    Starting my fitness pal to help me monitor calorie intake and look out for triggers.
    I hope someone can suggest ant solutions for IBS- C
  • FattyAy
    FattyAy Posts: 2 Member
    I can totally relate! I've had post-infection IBS-D/ IBS-C for several years. By avoiding certain foods, I've managed to keep it pretty much under control after figuring out what my trigger foods are. I still get horrible distention from time to time but usually its due to a trigger food such as dairy. Probiotics, regular exercise, and balancing soluble fiber with insoluble fiber foods helps keep my GI system regulated. Oh and ginger, fennel and peppermint have been a lifesaver!
    I don't really contribute to these forums but feel free to msg me if you want more details.
  • mjessim
    mjessim Posts: 15 Member
    Tashac17 - Some tips for IBS-C

    I've found Peppermint Enzyme Tablets help with bloating (they're also handy for if you have sudden bouts of Diarrhea). To help with the constipation try increasing your soluble Fiber and also adding an over-the-counter probiotic regimen (I pick up a 3 month supply of probiotics from Sam's Club for about 30$) to help digest food better.
  • learnerdriver
    learnerdriver Posts: 298 Member
    I have IBS.

    I think it's got better with cardio and drinking more water, but it's still pretty horrible when I get really stressed, eat bread or cauliflower, and also with my period. I'm trying to take a probiotic at the moment.
  • traceylynns
    traceylynns Posts: 155 Member
    I have Lactose intolerance and IBS. So I totally understand what you all are saying. I have been debating on taking a probiotic to see if that will help me. Have any of you taken it and had any luck?
  • ronaldheft
    ronaldheft Posts: 8 Member
    I have IBS-D and tried everything for years to get it under control. Nothing seemed to work. Then I started eating cleaner and exercising more and slowly things started to change. While I still have flair ups, my situation has definitely improved as I've lost weight. I haven't avoided anything specifically, just trying to eating better foods in general and that seems to help.
  • halleymw
    halleymw Posts: 246 Member
    I have had diarrhea predominant ibs for years. I recently took a three month course of the probiotic Align, and it helped me quite a bit. I would say about an 80 percent improvement in my symptoms. I am trying to see if it is something I have to take all the time, and so far I have maintained my improvement being off it for a couple of months, but the symptoms are a little worse than when I was on it. Word of advice: don't take any metamucil when you are on it, it is not pretty!
  • angelahammon
    angelahammon Posts: 114 Member
    I have IBS, and am suffering at the moment, majority of the time i am constipated and then i eat something that disagrees with me and i either have it bad and suffer with diarreoah or have stomach cramps , this then gets in the way of me going to exercise classes as i don't want to make things worse if my stomach is sore and playing up.

    if anyone suffers with constipation can they recommend any foods or anything to help
  • Check out the FODMAP food list. It's worked wonders for me. It's the only way to eat, I've been discovering. I've been super stressed and eating "healthy" aka good fat, plenty of veggies, and feel WORSE. Excercise regularly, and gain weight. Feel like I'm back on track for now. Probiotics as well.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    I have ibs, but not the constipation type. What helped me if figuring out what foods irritated it and cutting them out. I'm virtually symptom free as long as I avoid those foods.
  • EmmaReed84
    EmmaReed84 Posts: 263 Member
    Yes, I can totally relate!! I did a post about this yesterday actually :)

    I am currently on my 2nd day of a flare up (blocked), my back is starting to ache and I am beginning to feel groggy!

    It is so frustrating, I have weighed daily and now understand a bit better the fluctuations when having flare up (either way) so now I am going to try and weigh weekly.

    The problem is I know people say numbers are not important and think about body image... Not heplful when you look pregnant LOL
  • MissPeppers
    MissPeppers Posts: 302 Member
    Sounds too familiar...
    I have IBS, and I need to watch what I eat though what triggers the problems may differ from week to week.. Intermittent fasting has helped me a lot, I really encourage trying this.
  • Thanks to everyone who has contributed to this thread!
    A lot of great ideas and it's always comforting to know that others can relate to your discomfort...

    I have IBS-C, and lately I've been eating a ton of leafy greens... spinach, mixed greens, etc.
    and it's really helped a lot.

    My flare ups coincide with my mensies, so I've basically resolved myself to being completely incapacitated
    for one week every month... horrible way to live your life.
  • susie6785
    susie6785 Posts: 25 Member
    I was just diagnosed with IBS which seems to be IBS-C. Diagnosed VERY recently as in YESTERDAY haha. Still not 100% that it's what's wrong with me. I'd be interested in other sufferers ideas as to what triggers you? Bread actually doesn't seem to trigger me, neither does dairy. I was diagnosed with this after 3 months of nearly every day feeling incredibly nauseous, and then just recently in the past few weeks started in with the constipation which I've NEVER had an issue with in my entire life (I'm 27, almost 28). It literally was fine one day, then not fine the next. I'm trying to log what I'm eating to help me figure out what is triggering me. Also, I've lost about 20 lbs doing nothing since this started because I cut out so much food. That has tapered off and I'm sad to read that IBS seems to inhibit people losing weight :(. Anyway, any info would be greatly appreciated!
  • susie6785
    susie6785 Posts: 25 Member
    Also additional info that may/may not be helpful to anyone feeling up for giving advice haha, I did look into the FODMAP diet, and was surprised by some of the things, I guess maybe I could try to follow a modified one? Apple seems to be something that is a safe all the time food for me, same with cottage cheese. Unsweetened apple sauce from Trader Joe's is like my go to snack when I don't feel well and it seems to not make anything worse...hmmm, interesting!
  • Exill
    Exill Posts: 155 Member
    Check out the FODMAP food list. It's worked wonders for me. It's the only way to eat, I've been discovering. I've been super stressed and eating "healthy" aka good fat, plenty of veggies, and feel WORSE. Excercise regularly, and gain weight. Feel like I'm back on track for now. Probiotics as well.

    This! I recently stumbled on the low FODMAP diet and noticed it had most of my trigger foods in the avoid list. My worst triggers are onions, green leafy vegetables, greasy foods, dairy, potato skins, avocado, certain beans, and green vegetables like broccoli and brussel's sprouts.

    It really helps if I take Pepto Bismol before eating a trigger food, but mostly I just try to avoid the foods or eat them at a minimum.
  • jjmaag
    jjmaag Posts: 11 Member
    I have IBS and a lactose intolerance. I had gained about 20 lbs the year i found out i had it, and felt awful. I know this sounds crazy, and I thought it was crazy too but I recently started Zoloft to help my IBS and so far it's been extremely helpful. So far since January I am down 15 lbs. I'm not sure if it's the zoloft, or just that I have not been having many episodes. Still can't eat my trigger foods, but it's nice to be able to eat food and not have to worry about every little thing. Good luck! I am only 20 and started getting symptoms of IBS when I was 18, it is quite unbearable and uncomfortable.
  • Exill
    Exill Posts: 155 Member
    Also additional info that may/may not be helpful to anyone feeling up for giving advice haha, I did look into the FODMAP diet, and was surprised by some of the things, I guess maybe I could try to follow a modified one? Apple seems to be something that is a safe all the time food for me, same with cottage cheese. Unsweetened apple sauce from Trader Joe's is like my go to snack when I don't feel well and it seems to not make anything worse...hmmm, interesting!

    Apple is fine for me too, I eat a honeycrisp every day. :) The foods I listed in my above post are mainly ones that cause a lot of bloating, gas, and diarrhea for me. /tmi As for constipation, I used to have it horribly years ago before I started eating better and giving up dairy (for the most part). Cheese and white bread clog me up horribly, so pizza is the worst offender for me. :/

    I think basically: If you're constipated, eat more vegetables and fruits, and if you're on the other end eat more rice and breads? Though bananas can clog you up...
  • shutterbug282
    shutterbug282 Posts: 588 Member
    Yes, I have IBS, but I've thankfully found my trigger foods. It's taken me over a year, but I've lost 21lbs, I still have quite a big stomach, and I think a lot of that has to do with flare ups, it gets really bad.
    I've been cutting back on my trigger foods, which seems to have helped a lot, even since I have, I've lost more weight. :)