Weight Loss with IBS?



  • valeriemholden
    valeriemholden Posts: 27 Member
    I can totally relate. I have diverticulitis and it is really difficult to work out on days I have a lot of pain. It (diverticulitis) definitely motivates me to eat much more healthy and I haven't had any fast food in 5 months, made a HUGE difference. Friend me if you want, we can all use the support!
  • susie6785
    susie6785 Posts: 25 Member
    Thanks for all the info. Seems like it'll be kind of a trial and error until I figure out what is triggering everything for me. Dairy actually seems to be ok and so does bread. Pizza- definitely not. Anything Mexican- definitely not. For a while it seemed like it was EVERYTHING no matter what I ate. I think high fat is a trigger for me as well. Had my gallbladder out in 2009 so high fat has been an issue since then anyway, so not really surprising. My dr also said to start taking miralax, anyone had luck with that? I've heard about Zoloft and other antidepressants helping out too- same with anti-anxiety meds.
  • iceey
    iceey Posts: 354 Member
    I have Lactose intolerance and IBS. So I totally understand what you all are saying. I have been debating on taking a probiotic to see if that will help me. Have any of you taken it and had any luck?

    Probiotics have been a godsend for me and IBS. Get some today!
    I've been eating very well with lots of fiber, no bread, no dairy, lots of water, and yet my IBS is out of control. Sometimes there is nothing you can do. Anyone can add me with a message if they want to share support.
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member
    A LCHF diet has kept mine under control for the past 6 months. And cutting out wheat.
  • junejadesky
    junejadesky Posts: 524 Member
    I have IBS and I used to be on 4 differnt medications to help reduce the bloating/swelling/gas etc... But now?? I control everything with diet... don't even take medication anymore excpet for my daily probiotic.... it's all about what to put in your body

    Check out how to stabalize the Ph Balance in your system... just google Acid vs Alakline foods....

    Ask your gastro doc which probiotic is best for you...

    Message me if you want more details.
  • Jonesie1984
    Jonesie1984 Posts: 612 Member
    avoid raw vegetables. They tend to exacerbate the symptoms and cause excess gas/bloat. Every time I have soda I regret it later I blow up like a ballon everyone's different though.. trial and error. Watch your fiber intake and make sure you consume enough water to pass the fiber through your colon or else the rebound constipation/bloat will be death. LOL Probiotics are great but I've never tried them I self regulated with better nutrition and have been totally asymptomatic for the last 2 years, I would venture to say it's gone besides the occassional soda reminder
  • jiggy_gibby
    jiggy_gibby Posts: 197
    You might try a low fiber, low residue diet that is recommended for ulcerative colitis, a condition similar to IBS and celiac and crohn's disease. All digestive problems --- all gut-intestine problems!!

    I find with UC - limiting my amount of insoluable fiber helps. Oatmeal (Bob's Red Mill gf rolled oats) is OK and soft lettuces are good 1-3 times a week but iceberg or romaine are not.

    I cut out veggies broccoli or cauliflower. I eat most other veggies. I peel my apples and pears to avoid the skin.

    I dropped most wheat and soy products.

    I have been med free for almost two years now after a YEAR LONG FLARE of UC. I feel better. No more acid reflux either. No more diarrhea 12-14 times a day. No more stabbing stomach pains and wanting to die!

    Food is the cause of the problem but it is also the cure. Keep a diary and see what your personal triggers are. Everyone here is sharing what works for them and we are all different. Good luck on your journey - you deserve to feel better! And it may take a while, but you'll find out exactly works for you!
  • jiggy_gibby
    jiggy_gibby Posts: 197
    avoid raw vegetables. They tend to exacerbate the symptoms and cause excess gas/bloat. Every time I have soda I regret it later I blow up like a ballon everyone's different though.. trial and error. Watch your fiber intake and make sure you consume enough water to pass the fiber through your colon or else the rebound constipation/bloat will be death. LOL Probiotics are great but I've never tried them I self regulated with better nutrition and have been totally asymptomatic for the last 2 years, I would venture to say it's gone besides the occassional soda reminder

    Ditto on the soda. Stop drinking all carbonated beverages!

    Here is link to a few support groups on this board. I am sure there are more as well:

    IBS/ Crohn's

    Ulcerative Colitis (UC)

    Gluten- Free (GF)
  • Cinnabon64
    I have IBs-C and what I have found that helps to keep it manageable is to keep things flowing and not getting backed up. So for me, I have found that 750 mgs of magnesium and 2000 mgs of Ester C keeps me "regular" thus not so much backed up. I haven't found any particular food triggers but definitely stress! Hopes this can help someone!
  • justoneanna
    I was diagnosed with IBS-D at 14, and then more recently with a gluten intolerance. Going off gluten hasn't gotten rid of the IBS, but it's been better. Mine flares up with high fat foods, stress, and my cycle primarily, though if I eat a ton of fiber I end up with horrible bloating and gas. (And the combination of high fiber vegetables and any dairy is just BAD NEWS)

    Sometimes I think 'eating clean' worsens my symptoms if I'm not careful what kinds of fruits and veg I eat, but proteins are usually OK and I'm better when I drink a ton of water.

    I hear you on the wonky weight loss though. My weight fluctuates wildly, so I'm weighing only once a week and going mostly by the fact that all of my pants are at least a size too big instead of worrying as much about the scale. It's hard though, especially if I have a doctor's appointment in the late afternoon when I'm usually puffiest.
  • cidalia73
    cidalia73 Posts: 107 Member
    Check out the FODMAP food list. It's worked wonders for me. It's the only way to eat, I've been discovering. I've been super stressed and eating "healthy" aka good fat, plenty of veggies, and feel WORSE. Excercise regularly, and gain weight. Feel like I'm back on track for now. Probiotics as well.

  • prestonam
    prestonam Posts: 24 Member
    Hi everyone, I am interested in knowing how you all got diagnosed with IBS? My doctor is still trying to give me the exact reason for my stomach pain, bloating, diarrhea, terrible flatulance and 5 weeks long periods of contipation. Yes IBS has been thrown around alot but no one has actually said its definitely that. I am now starting a food diary where i talk about how i feel felt after each bit of food but i feel sick after everything lately. Anyone who can share how they got an answer and how they begun to get a handle on IBS it would be sooo appreciated as i feel im up against a 100 ft wall.
  • Lauren2H
    Lauren2H Posts: 33 Member
    I have IBS-D, acid reflux and no gallbladder. Add to that binge eating disorder, and you can probably guess how the cycle goes :( it just seems like every time I try to eat healthy, it pisses off my digestive crap and then I feel like a failure and eat my emotions. Rinse, lather, repeat. So I'm using MFP to be brutally honest about the crap I'm eating so i can see how it affects my body and hopefully a look at the ugly truth and some support along the way will get me off the merry go round...
  • cidalia73
    cidalia73 Posts: 107 Member
    I have IBS-D, acid reflux and no gallbladder. Add to that binge eating disorder, and you can probably guess how the cycle goes :( it just seems like every time I try to eat healthy, it pisses off my digestive crap and then I feel like a failure and eat my emotions. Rinse, lather, repeat. So I'm using MFP to be brutally honest about the crap I'm eating so i can see how it affects my body and hopefully a look at the ugly truth and some support along the way will get me off the merry go round...

    For real though, check out the FODMAP diet. FODMAPs are foods that can cause problems for people with IBS, especially IBS-D, and they are mostly healthy foods. Occasionally, you will get conflicting information online about certain foods and whether they cause problems or not, but it really depends on quantity, individual reactions, etc. Ex: Sometimes a small apple is not a problem but add in more apples or more FODMAP foods, and it's trouble time. A lot of healthy foods are FODMAP (they cause problems for people with IBS, especially IBS-D).

    The biggest culprits are wheat (especially whole grains!), whole grains in general (including brown rice, dairy (lactose), high-fructose fruits, fruit juice ('cause it's just concentrated fructose), and legumes (beans, peas, chick peas, lentils, etc.).

    I recommend the book "IBS - Free At Last!" Otherwise, there's lots of free info online ( www.ibsfree.net/ )
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    I was diagnosed with IBS when I was in my 20's. Since I have cleaned up my diet, it has pretty much evaporated. I get occasional attacks, but I can usually pinpoint the problem to junk food.
  • tenintwenty
    I have problems with this too. The only solution I have found is to eat a really limited diet -- avoiding ALL IBS triggers. I am worried I am getting deficiencies doing this though. I'm currently on: no dairy of any kind, no wheat, no corn, no mushrooms, no broccoli, no, no eggplant, no oats, no strawberries, no beans, no pears, no apples, no dried fruit, no sauces or dressing I haven't prepared myself... you get the idea. It sucks!
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    Hi everyone, I am interested in knowing how you all got diagnosed with IBS? My doctor is still trying to give me the exact reason for my stomach pain, bloating, diarrhea, terrible flatulance and 5 weeks long periods of contipation. Yes IBS has been thrown around alot but no one has actually said its definitely that. I am now starting a food diary where i talk about how i feel felt after each bit of food but i feel sick after everything lately. Anyone who can share how they got an answer and how they begun to get a handle on IBS it would be sooo appreciated as i feel im up against a 100 ft wall.

    I had IBS-D, too. I increased iodine and Magnesium supplementation (iodine in am, magnesium at night) and eliminated calcium supplements completely. I also switched to mostly whole and natural foods, and I feel much, much better.

    Some nutritionists think that purified water is the problem. When we were all on well water, we got a lot more minerals just from drinking water.
  • tenintwenty
    Hi everyone, I am interested in knowing how you all got diagnosed with IBS? My doctor is still trying to give me the exact reason for my stomach pain, bloating, diarrhea, terrible flatulance and 5 weeks long periods of contipation. Yes IBS has been thrown around alot but no one has actually said its definitely that. I am now starting a food diary where i talk about how i feel felt after each bit of food but i feel sick after everything lately. Anyone who can share how they got an answer and how they begun to get a handle on IBS it would be sooo appreciated as i feel im up against a 100 ft wall.

    IBS is the diagnosis you get when they rule everything else out.