Katia_Quesadilla Member


  • Jeez louise, have you never needed to vent about tough customers at work? I completely understood what she was saying--you always encounter a few exceptionally rude, obnoxious people when working in the service industry, and ones who scream and swear at you for following the rules certainly fit the bill. Pointing out--on…
  • I made a spur-of-the-moment decision to give up chocolate, all sweets, and the snooze button for Lent. Somebody SOMEWHERE had better be praying :D In all seriousness, this is probably also going to result in more fitness time in general--both physical and spiritual--as I tend to waste a lot of time hitting the snooze…
  • Thank you so much for starting this thread, kellybeam! I've been stressing because I can stay under all my other areas but go over in sugar every day. I'm glad I'm not the only one having this problem :)
  • I agree with aarika that your macros are important to track. I also track my fiber and sugar (even though I will never be under my sugar limit, so I don't know why I bother).
  • Sheesh, I don't know how ANYONE would have resisted! My Tagalongs are almost gone and the Thin Mints are next! I've got a box of Dulce de Leche going, too, but they're not as tempting.
  • A round of applause for the OP! I find it interesting that you object to lumping all women together, but you've done the same thing repeatedly in your posts in this thread, most noticeably here: I'm... not offended, but annoyed at this. You can't rationally say, "don't lump everyone together" and then lump everyone…
  • I've never worn Nike Musiques, but they look like they would work, based off a quick google. I prefer more flexibility in my zumba shoes, so I would recommend hip hop shoes. They can be found at any dance retailer or ordered offline. I get my dance shoes from discountdance.com.