

  • I love this web site!! I just joined this month and I am getting better at watching my intake every day that goes by!! I was just posting dinner and yes...desert...i realized that even eating a brownie (a really decadent one) I am still 30 calories under my daily limit. It's wonderful to know that I don't have to deprive…
  • i have that problem with a lot of food. I see it, i want it! I couldn't stop and I didn't know why I should!! The bottom line is, you can eat anything you want, as long as you don't eat it every day, all day. Don't deprive yourself, but don't indulge in binge eating, either. Remember, every day is a new beginning. Don't…
  • glad you joined!! I just joined today, myself!! Looking forward to our mutual success stories! :happy:
  • I'm new to the calorie counting business. For a long time I thought that I didn't really need to, but now I know that I do. I just didn't realize all the unnecessary calories I put into my body until now. I am at my heaviest now at 37, and at 40 I want to be at or very near my goal weight. One pound a week sounds good to…
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