
pismoshell Posts: 6
edited September 18 in Health and Weight Loss
I love this web site!! I just joined this month and I am getting better at watching my intake every day that goes by!! I was just posting dinner and yes...desert...i realized that even eating a brownie (a really decadent one) I am still 30 calories under my daily limit.

It's wonderful to know that I don't have to deprive myself of the finer things in life. :happy:


  • I love this web site!! I just joined this month and I am getting better at watching my intake every day that goes by!! I was just posting dinner and yes...desert...i realized that even eating a brownie (a really decadent one) I am still 30 calories under my daily limit.

    It's wonderful to know that I don't have to deprive myself of the finer things in life. :happy:
  • rem1979
    rem1979 Posts: 344 Member
    Try No Pudge Brownies. They are 120 cal per servoing with NO FAT!!! They are available at most grocery stores in the baking aisle. It's a powder and all you do is add FF yogurt, pour and bake. They are very good. I just had one last night with milk. I think the box was pink with a pig on it. You can also look up their web site and find stores that carry it.

    I love eating now because I am getting all the good stuff I need and a little stuff I LOVE!!!
  • jessneill
    jessneill Posts: 380 Member
    Yep, I love the no pudge brownies. I just tried them. Love that you can make them as a single serving in the microwave. Pop a little Cool Whip free on top! Yummy!
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