

  • hey there - congratulations :) yes I felt tired beyond tired at your stage its not nice, I was very sick so all I wanted to eat was junk and put about 12lb on by 12 weeks :( I do think a lot is water retention though. Listen to your body if you need to sleep then sleep at this stage - it does get easier :) xxxx
  • yeah its our last one aswell and I too lost a lot of weight in prep for getting pregnant - I think I'm just panicing I'm going to put about 5 stone on at this rate lol I am still lighter than I was last time pre-pregnancy so its good really. I am feeling so well and last time had really bad SPD so am thankful I can do…
  • Hi I am due 4/11 and so far have gained 1st 6lb :o, I was on the Cambridge Weight Plan previously so think its a lot of water - but still !!! I am seriously trying to maintain it now hence starting on here. I have been a piggy and eating loads of sweets so gonna cut those out and eat more healthily and try to do more…
  • I have just started again and am going to mix it up - so do level 1 for 3 days, then level 2 and 3 etc etc and keep it fresh