

  • Awesome Job Good luck on the other half
  • I think its great that you have someone supporting you threw the journey but the first thing you need to do is take RESPONSABILITY for what you want to achieve it is not up to your friend or anyone else to control the choices you make for you.Only you can do that once you truely committee to the changes that you want for…
  • Everyday is a challenge but it gets easier and easier KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK YOU HAVE STARTED AND YOU WILL FIND WHAT YOU SEEK
  • welcome to the site good luck on your journey and when you feel like no one is there come here we are always here to support you
  • Good Luck on your Journey And welcome to the group
    in Newbie Comment by kassyk July 2010
  • Depending on the Type Here Is A Comparision Pork Bacon Per 2 Slices Turkey Bacon Per 2 Slices Calories 190 Calories 70 Calories Fat 18g 6g Saturated 7g 2g Cholesterol 40mg 30mg Sodium 180mg 510mg Potassium 190mg 0 Carbohydrate 1g 1g Protein 7g 4g There is definietly a benefit from a calorie point of view to choose Turkey…
  • AWESOME JOB Keep up the great work You can do anything you put your mind to
  • Welcome to the Site It will become one of your best friends It really does work if you have the commitment Good luck on your Journey You will Succeed
  • Welcome to the site I joined January of 2010 and have finally found what work is weight lose. With 2 kids myself and a full time job it is hard to find time to think of yourself but this is a great start for you Best of luck I know its work just be commited to the change Little by little you will achieve your goals
  • Hi Feel free to add as friend My Husband is the perfect weight so he has no interest in trying to lose granted he does support me in my progress Remember to all people are different and lose weight at different rates so don't get discourage Just keep calories at 1200 and continue to eat healthy it will come
  • Welcome to the site and good luck with your Journey I had the same stuggles try to lose the weight but found that this site was the best tool I could have ever found Again welcome and good luck
  • welcome to the site hope its help you It has definietly helped me
  • Welcome to the group It is a great tool to have for weight lose help stay committed and you will see results and when you feel down come back to the site and talk to someone anyone we are all here foe support Good Luck
  • Keep up the great work you will reach your goals to be healthy all in time never overnight to be a life change