Hello everyone

Hi everybody. I'm new to MFP, and wanted to see who else is on here. I'm a happily married working mom with two little people, and forgot to take care of myself over the past 5 years. I have 65 pounds to lose, and would like to run my first 1/2 marathon by November. I'm starting off from scratch, so any advice would be greatly appreciated! Please send friend requests!


  • JennBennett410
    I am so happy you joined! This website is AWESOME for support! I have the app too, which helps when I am out. I am trying to start up a biggest loser competition, let me know if you want to join!:

  • kassyk
    kassyk Posts: 14
    Welcome to the site
    I joined January of 2010 and have finally found what work is weight lose.
    With 2 kids myself and a full time job it is hard to find time to think of yourself but this is a great start for you
    Best of luck
    I know its work just be commited to the change
    Little by little you will achieve your goals
  • PaulaDygert
    PaulaDygert Posts: 148 Member