Nicadimous Member


  • Hi, I am fairly new on here too, already lost over 80+ lbs before I joined the site and I still have over 80+ lbs to go. Saw your post about eating very little and still not losing, I was doing this too and had a horrible plateau that lasted over a year! Wrong way to look at food and calories, check out this link...take…
  • NOT MY RECIPE, BUT REALLY GOOD! STARVIN GUY CHICKEN PIE Personal I don't bother with the biscuit topping, instead opting for either Sweet potato mash or a cauliflower/potato mash blend. Even lighter on the calories. I also use, plain Almond milk instead of evaporate milk and the cream corn is what makes this dish!!!…
  • No, most definitely your are not doomed to fail!!! Keep the faith, most importantly, like everyone else said above, it is a day to day choice to live better, eat better and just be you! The rest will follow. Don't be a slave to the scale, it doesn't tell you whether or not you are developing more muscle…
  • Way to go!!! That is awesome!
  • Hello Katie, My name is Nicole and I so know how you feel! I just started here on MFP as per my doctor's suggestion for an easier way to keep track and I am terrible at sticking to this kind of stuff. That being said, I have been working out with a personal trainer for two years now and have gone down from 318lbs to 240lbs…