Female with 100+ lbs to lose. Looking for friends!



  • Hi Everyone, I'm new to Fitness Pal and definitely need to lose 100 pounds. Just looking for some supportive new friends! :smile:
  • Bere4ever
    Bere4ever Posts: 188
    Welcome to myfitnesspal! Feel free to add me I down 58 but I have left 44 more....
  • fishinthetown
    fishinthetown Posts: 10 Member
    Anyone can add me :) I have about 80 lbs to lose as well so I'm in it for the long haul!
  • Bozydeaux
    Bozydeaux Posts: 9 Member
    Another "re"-newbie. I seem to use MFP in streaks, but this time (REALLY!) I'm serious about losing this weight. I lost 70 pounds about 15 years ago, but half of it has come back to roost. In all honesty, I could stand to lose about 80 pounds to weigh what I should.

    Anyone feel free to add me. The more support, the better!
  • KathyWel
    KathyWel Posts: 140
    Welcome to MFP, I can't say enough good things about this website as it has helped me lose 91 pounds so far! I still have a long way to go and would love to have more friends for support and motivation. Anyone can feel free to add me!
  • itsgravybabygirl
    itsgravybabygirl Posts: 6 Member
    I am semi new here... Started getting serious about weight loss 1/1/13... I have been using WW, but I had this and just decided I think I like this better.

    Feel free to add me... I have well over 100lbs to lose as well. :)

  • jbelles0820
    jbelles0820 Posts: 12 Member
    I would love to be friends. I also have to lose about 100 lbs. I have been going on MFP for over a year, but have not been faithful and keep gaining/losing the same 10 lbs. I am running out of excuses. I would love to have friends to help keep me motivated!!
  • Mloveb913
    Mloveb913 Posts: 35 Member
    feel free to add me , im always here, i have 70 lbs to lose...
  • kjf1982
    kjf1982 Posts: 102 Member
    I have 180 to lose total. I'm always looking for new friends going through the same struggles. I log religiously, even if I don't like what it says.

    I sent you a friend request.

    But anyone else in the boat, feel free to add me. The more friends/supporters/motivators the better!!! :)
  • Here's to lurkdom! I joined awhile ago but haven't really logged in as suggested. I love the support available on the site and often find supportive posts helping my own outlook. I lost 50lbs several years ago....I have had setbacks and am restarting my weight loss journey. What worked for me the first time was writing down EVERY THING you eat and drink. And a structured exercise program. Good luck
  • imstrong4me
    imstrong4me Posts: 119
    I been on here since aug of 2012 so far ive almost lost 30 lbs my starting weight was 236lbs, Ive got 78 more lbs to lose total loss would be 106 lbs,
  • feel free to add me too! i also have a 100 or so lbs to lose, and in need of some motivation too :)
  • ME TOO. lots of weight to lose :( i just started yesterday I need lots of support, i have 2 grand kids in ages from 2 to 12 and i need to keep up with them. I am having trouble with hurting knees and ankles and feet so i am hoping some weight loss will inprove my health.
  • Well, I have about 40 to lose to make myself happy. Ideally, I would like to lose 50, but then I would start hearing how I'm too skinny. I was always the skinny kid growing up. In fact, about 7 years ago my Doctor actually had me drinking Boost to try and put some weight on my 125lbs body. Now I'm 190 give or take a few pounds and have been struggling with consistency in my workouts. I think I've done a better job with my eating, but can't seem to put the two together. I feel like I'm always on the go, so when I have free time, the last thing I want to do is exercise and I really need to break away from that mindset. I've finally realized that I can't do it alone, so here I am! :happy:
  • Nicadimous
    Nicadimous Posts: 6 Member
    Hi, I am fairly new on here too, already lost over 80+ lbs before I joined the site and I still have over 80+ lbs to go. Saw your post about eating very little and still not losing, I was doing this too and had a horrible plateau that lasted over a year! Wrong way to look at food and calories, check out this link...take the time and do the calculations...its on a bodybuilding web page, but it doesn't matter if your doing that kind of working out or not...the principles are the same...http://scoobysworkshop.com/calorie-calculator/

    I did the calculations and realized I was eating way to little, your body needs fuel to burn to keep up its metabolic rate, without keeping that burn going, your body starts to slow way down, thinking its in starvation mode and it will hang on to every calorie you take in, keep it burning hot, it speeds up and helps to burn the excess calories/pounds you already have on you! It looks complicated but its worth the effort!
  • Hey feel free to add me! I'm here to support you and anyone else looking for that motivation!!! WE CAN DO IT!!!!
  • trazfun
    trazfun Posts: 1

    i joined MFP about a year ago and I'm honestly just beginning to use the app. I would love to have new friends to work on this journey with. My 30 year class reunion is in July and I want to look my best as well. Together we can make this happen.
  • dhtjjb
    dhtjjb Posts: 2
    First off, you are beautiful. I have helped many people lose a lot of weight. It comes with tough accountability but a lot of love. I was a gym owner for over 17 years. Last year I sold it to become a full time health and wellness coach. I am honest and tough while at the same time I am caring and genuine. If you want some great accountability email me at dljohnson222@clear.net.
  • I just started last week and in some fantasy land would love to lose around 100 pounds, but I'm currently aiming for around 60 and would love to befriend any of you so we can share tips, ideas, struggles and the journey with one another :)

    I kickstarted my lifestyle change with a modified juice cleanse. Cutting back to just juices for breakfast and lunch and then a small modified dinner. I tell you; if you are anything like me and have anything resembling a food addiction this was AMAZING for me! Full juice cleanses require so much dedication and I feared the extremely low calorie intakes as well as my blood sugar levels being a border line diabetic but doing it modified seemed worth it. After 3 days; despite the caffeine withdrawals I started to suffer; I felt less hungry, more aware of my body and found making the decision to eat less SO SO SO much easier! Your stomach truly starts to shrink and you are so much more conscience of your choices and when you are full :)

    Good luck!! Please feel free to send friend requests. I survived a week now, but have a lifetime to go and definitely believe friends are the key to motivation :)
  • meglynne1987
    meglynne1987 Posts: 382 Member
    Feel free to add me, I started with about the same goal. :smile: