

  • Using Whey protein (strawberry flavour).. by Precision Engineered from Holland and Barrett (UK)... normally throw in a yogurt with it and shake it up. Either after a work out or even before bed as it helps rebuild damaged muscle tissue whilst you sleep. Whey is by far the best as there are very little calories and no fat!…
  • Welcome to MFP! It's amazing how warm this community truly is. When you trying to do weight loss, it's frustrating cause your mind is only on all the thinner people out there and thinking that your the only one who has extra weight. But with MFP.. You realise there are thousands of people on a journey and we can all help…
  • From the great city of Liverpool! Using the iPhone app mainly.. But for community using the main site.. But through the iPhones web browser! Hehe! Jp
  • Hi.. Me again. Just a quick warning regarding wii fit. Was using wii fit on and off in 2010. There is nothing wrong with exercising on it.. In fact it's great for that. But be warned that the wii fit board is not 100% accurate when it comes to weigh in's! It's all over the Internet and I experienced it too.. It took off…