

  • and carrying a crap load of extra weight vs. losing with the help of prepared meals is worse for your body? Oh please, give me a break!
  • It wasn't an excuse. I had a newborn, a daughter in the hospital and worked 45 hours a week and was extremely obsese from my pregnancy. I did cook - 1 sometimes 2 meals a day and ate MF meals inbetween to make sure I stayed in within calorie range when away from home!!!! After 12 weeks I incorporated other 100 calorie…
  • First off, congratulations. Second, I can't believe all the rude, uneducated, negative, and mean spirited comments over a person losing weight. I actually signed up just to tell you congratulations and inform users about Medifast and how it's no more a diet than whatever it is you are doing to lose weight/be healthy/learn…
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