otisrose Member


  • That's pretty funny. I appreciate the humor. Thanks for the flip of the quote, your stance on the matter is noted!. I'll remember not to use that childish line again.
  • I wasn't recommending a 60-day juice fast, I was recommending the idea. The both of you are viewing this fast as a weight loss technique, which it shouldn't be used as. It is a way to heal your body of all the **** you've been putting into it for years. Ever heard of "The Gerson Therapy" (whole-body approach to healing,…
  • P.S Don't listen to the haters, if they have never done it, what good is there opinion.
  • Raw Food. No worries it tastes cooked, and remember the more raw the pepper the spicier. The heat never stops building~!! I got this from: http://www.rawmazing.com/spicy-veggie-raw-food-stir-fry/ ◾2 C Chopped Parsnips ◾2 Carrots ◾1/2 C Pine Nuts ◾3/4 C Broccoli, Chopped ◾1/2 C Mushrooms, sliced Finely chop parsnips,…
  • Coffee enemas can cause numerous side effects, including infections, sepsis (including campylobacter sepsis), severe electrolyte imbalance, colitis, polymicrobial enteric septicemia, proctocolitis, salmonella brain abscess and heart failure.[4][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13] If the coffee is inserted too quickly or is too…
  • Girl, do a juice cleanse, it will change your life. You'll have to experiment with fruits and veggies at first to see what you like. My go to at the store is always 50/50 ratio of both. (make sure you get your veggies) My cart is full of spinach, kale, apples, cucumbers, zucchini. kiwis, ginger, carrots, oranges, red…
  • I found this blog out there, give this a try. Fenugreek Works!! Posted by Caitlin MacKenna Are small breasts making you miserable? It is predicted that as many as 70% of flat-chested women or women with small breasts in the US and UK alone will undergo breast enlargement surgery by 2015 as prices fall and techniques become…
  • Day one for me today. I did a 60 day juice fast one year ago and here I am starting another. Have you ever done one before?