

  • the difference can lose the weight.....they can't lose the ugly.........**fist pump**.... you got this! Keep up your spinning, I admire you. I stopped going to the gym because I didn't like the way I looked compared to was a bit discouraging, but I'm at the point where I am finally past the feeling and…
  • This was AWESOME!!!! I loved reading your post and looking at the pictures. I was just asking my superfit, triatholon participating co-worker where did I lose my desire to work out!!!!!??? I developed a love of working out in college, took up jogging, would run for miles and all of a sudden one day it's all gone!!! and…
  • Please try the elliptical again, once you get the hang of it, you might just love it! I too had to learn how to work it but once you get the hang of it, if you can watch videos while you work out (on your phone, ipad, etc) the time will fly before you know it. At our gym they have small tv's on each piece of equipment. I…