

  • wel am not able to do that many squats due to an injury but I am willing to commit to doing sqats daily................. i will start tomorrow morning. thanks for the idea/motivaiton..............this will help strengthen my achilles tendons..
  • ok still no progress with my eating but I DID excercise consistently this week................kickboxing session for 1 hour on wed, then i did my morning ab crunches and leg lifts 1 hour thursday morning and although i wanted to do something friday , my body is just huritng too much right now and I feel awfully…
  • well im happy to report that i gotto the gym yesterday................i felt like a rusty wheel trying to roll but i did get there and spent about 45 minutes doing alternates between the elliptical machine and the leg press machines. Too many muscle heads to get a shot at the ab crunch machine but I will try again tomorrow…