failing miserably

cant seem to get in control of my eatign and poriton trying to get in habit of loggin in daily but sometimes days go by and I havent logged in. I have gained 1 pound since 2/21/13. Im sad, im not excercising but every day I wake up and try again.................its discouarging. working so much that the day flies by and I havent gone to the gym or done any excercise. im always tired too...........I'm not lookign for any sympathy just anyone els out there exepriencing anything similar??


  • AmazonRDH
    AmazonRDH Posts: 203 Member
    sometimes, yes. today i'm so exhausted, couldn't get out of bed. felt like crap that i skipped my morning jog for two days in a row. my once a week cheat day just ran into 3 days. i need to get back on track tomorrow. i gain weight so fast i probably put 3 to 5 pounds on since i've been loafing around eating crap. these things happen, what matters is whether or not we can get back on the horse. i WILL get up tomorrow morn and get my butt on the treadmill, i have a 5K to do in 10 days, no time for slacking! we just gotta make it happen. :yawn:
  • mrondon564
    well im happy to report that i gotto the gym yesterday................i felt like a rusty wheel trying to roll but i did get there and spent about 45 minutes doing alternates between the elliptical machine and the leg press machines. Too many muscle heads to get a shot at the ab crunch machine but I will try again tomorrow or friday.

    I am so envious, I wish I could runn again.........still recovering from a really nasty achilles lateral have insertional tenditnitis on the other leg/achilles ( and being so fat now doesnt help either)............but I hope to run again one day. I did do a mini-marathon in 1999. The happiest times in my life were when I was running!!

    you knock em go ahead girl!!
  • mrondon564
    ok still no progress with my eating but I DID excercise consistently this week................kickboxing session for 1 hour on wed, then i did my morning ab crunches and leg lifts 1 hour thursday morning and although i wanted to do something friday , my body is just huritng too much right now and I feel awfully stiff..........just took a break but I did walk up stairs omstead of elevators almost all day long.
  • Dakryn
    Dakryn Posts: 155 Member
    Ya know, I think its takes practice...practice logging in, if you have a smart phone, right after you eat...or log all your foods that you want to eat that day, then if you exercise you get to eat more if you want...I have to do this because of my protein levels, stregnth training and i have to have high protein on the days I work takes practice to work out...they, who ever they are, say it takes 21 days to change a start of with one thing for 21 days...this unfortunately takes baby steps, its a lifestyle change...if it were easy, everyone would be doing it... good luck