

  • I think we've all had moments like that, and they suck! You're definitely not alone. I remember multiple humiliating incidences regarding my weight. However, I try to think about them positively and use them as motivation to improve my health and my life in general.
  • That's amazing! Great work! My starting weight is 187 also and I'm 5'3", I've only lost two pounds so far, but slowly but surely I'll get there. :)
  • I make it my mission to find a new fruit or vegetable that I've never bought as often as possible. This week I purchased savoy cabbage, a parsnip, and a leek! I really like adding kale to soups, it's quite healthy and when it's cooked in soup it's not as bitter in my opinion. I also add spinach to my smoothies after I work…
  • I definitely wouldn't marry him, not in the near future anyways. It would be hard for me to date him anymore either, however, because I would always be thinking about it and it would be hard for me to heal from that kind of betrayal. However, it would also be difficult for me to dump him after such a history together. To…
  • I log in every day! I'm on sporadically throughout the day as well. Feel free to add me. :)
  • I'm 5'3" and I'm 187 lbs! My first goal is to get to 150 then my ultimate goal is 120. :) Anyone can feel free to add me if you want, I could use some extra support!
  • Feel free to add me as well! I have no friends on here and I think it'd help a lot if I know people can see my daily progress. I'm a senior (but I'm doing a fifth year next year) at the University of Washington. :)
  • I haven't always been overweight. I was quite skinny until fifth grade when my parents got a divorce and I started to gain gradually. I became a pescetarian/vegetarian and unintentionally lost a lot of weight in high school. Then my boyfriend of about six months moved three hours away for college after we graduated and we…