

  • I live in Lincolnshire, UK.
  • Hi Karyn, I'm 27 and had our second child 9 months ago. I'm also working towards loosing the extra pounds/stones that crept on whilst having my two lovely boys. I too went back to 'school' after my first (we call it university in the UK) I graduated last September with a 2:1 in Social Science when our youngest was 3…
  • The memberships extortionate at my local gym, its £31 a month plus £3 a time childcare and this is a local government gym, they know how to charge! I couldn't afford it so I dragged out my old bike and bought a child seat for it (plus helmet). So now I can go out for short trips during the day with our 9 month old. My…
  • I have the Mirena and I love it. I went on the combined pill (micro - gynon 30) at age 17 and that's when my weight gain started, I had head aches, missed periods, moods swings and even got pregnant (age 19). Never used it since. I had the Mirena coil fitted last July during my post natal check for baby number 2, and other…
  • "exercise earns you calories" is my mantra! I do it otherwise I would be chewing my arm off, lol. Even if its just a walk to the park with the kids (60 min round trip= 286 cals). I now love exercise as it means I can EAT. xx
  • Well done, I quit almost 6 weeks ago, but started using myfitnesspal a week before my quit date, so far I have lost 9lbs and not gained. This wont be my first time quitting either I have tried many times and know all too well about the weight gain. Hopefully we will both be successful this time round. Quitting has also…
  • hiya tiffanygetch, yes I am from the UK. Its an odd saying isn't it, I think its an extremely shortened version of hello you, but don't qoute me. bennedeb, it is hard isn't it, I've found out that I was just eating too much of the wrong foods, however, since logging on here I seem to be eating more, but better foods. I…