Birth Control...... Sigh..... Para gard??!



  • doobabe
    doobabe Posts: 436 Member
    I have a Mirena and love it. Zero side effects whatsoever for me.

    Why so expensive for you to get it? My insurance covered most of it, it was like $200 to insert it and that was it.

    I am not sure on the cost I was just going with an average based on what I have been told. I have a $4500 ded on the health insurance so I am thinking I will be on my own (as always).... ugh. But either way, if it does work out it is still a lot cheaper than the $225 every 3 months for the pills..... yikes
    Definitely call them. I had a high deductible and it was completely covered!

    This is actually funny for me to say because I am an Insurance Agent, but my company stinks! I already called to pre qualify and it is covered after my crazy deductible is met. So it will out of pocket for me.
  • I have the Mirena and I love it. I went on the combined pill (micro - gynon 30) at age 17 and that's when my weight gain started, I had head aches, missed periods, moods swings and even got pregnant (age 19). Never used it since.

    I had the Mirena coil fitted last July during my post natal check for baby number 2, and other than some spotting for around 2 hours after having it fitted I have not spotted since. I had some cramping pains for about 2 days, but these were less painful than period pains. Since having it fitted my periods have been regular, less painful and slightly lighter. It will be coming out next year when we try for baby number 3, but I will most definitely be having one put back in afterwards. xx
  • Arielnesika
    Arielnesika Posts: 87 Member
    I'm really liking the Nuvaring. I tried so many pills that I can't even remember and the copper IUD freaked me out. )A friend had to have hers removed due to incredibly painful periods with it in.) The only side effect that I get from the ring is that I only have a period every other month. I've been assured that that's fine, so I'm just enjoying it! And I haven't gotten pregnant!
  • paigebeverly
    paigebeverly Posts: 46 Member
    I have been on Loestrin24Fe and have no side effects...also no periods either...sometimes I would just spot for a day but thats it. But on the other hand always a week before TOM I turn into a over sensitive B word.
  • debbiemacfarlane
    debbiemacfarlane Posts: 35 Member
    Why not think about depo privera. The needle that lasts for three months and see how you feel. I had great results with that kind of BC. I wasnt allowed to continue it after I turned forty and thought about Merina. I opted for just getting my tubes tied instead as having more children was not something I wanted.
  • FitPhysique
    FitPhysique Posts: 284 Member
    I had tried a lot of BCP for a long time. Some have gotten me really sick. I was even on the low estrin for a while, but since 2004 I have been taken Ortho-Novum 1/35 based on a ex-coworker's recommendation, I love love it. No issues, no mood-swings, no emotional rollercosater. She also had a lot of issues witrh other BCP unitl she started taking it over 12 years ago. It's the same dosage in every pill for 3 weeks then the placebos. My younger sister was having issues with other methods until she got on this pill too last year.

    I've heard mixed reviews of Mirena from female colleagues, personally I'm just scared of the idea. I worry about scaring because I would like to have kids in the future.

    Good luck with your search.
    *edited for spelling*
  • Jain
    Jain Posts: 861 Member
    I've been using the standard non-hormone IUD for about 10 years so far & have nothing but good things to say about it. My extremely heavy periods became much more manageable, and cramps a lot easier.
    I do get spotting mid cycle for a few months after having it put it, but it's nothing a pantie liner can't cope with.
  • agibsonky
    agibsonky Posts: 124 Member
    I got pregnant with an IUD in - when they took it out, there was about a 50/50 chance of aborting the baby with it, but it had to be done...Thankfully, everything was fine (he's 9 years old now) and I use NuvaRing - have for several years and LOVE it!
  • bzmom
    bzmom Posts: 1,332 Member
    Really? I just started the Nuvaring 3weeks ago so just pulled it out and Im waiting on my preiod so I guess I should not freak out if it dosent get here? I have had no side affects with Nuvaring I actually love it Im just waiting to make sure it worked on me and the hormones are extreamly low my OB told me its the lowest one with hormones even when it comes to loesterin which I took before.
    I'm really liking the Nuvaring. I tried so many pills that I can't even remember and the copper IUD freaked me out. )A friend had to have hers removed due to incredibly painful periods with it in.) The only side effect that I get from the ring is that I only have a period every other month. I've been assured that that's fine, so I'm just enjoying it! And I haven't gotten pregnant!
  • sassylilmama
    sassylilmama Posts: 1,493 Member
    For me Nuva ring and Paraguard were best. Mirena fell out and made me miserable when it was in.
  • RaineyF
    RaineyF Posts: 3
    I will have my Mirena for 1 year in June the only trouble I have had with it is the first few hours after I had it put in I was in serious pain but after that I've had no problems. I also used yasmin and Yaz with terrible side effects so it was a much better alternative for me.
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