

  • If one loses weight by reducing calories and exercising without paying attention to where the calories come from and how their diet affects their hormones, they are not training/ preparing their bodies to continue burning fat. If you do a Google search for a site called Peertrainer, they provide a lot of good information…
  • If you've never tried this, brussel sprouts are wonderful if you brush a bit of olive oil on them, sprinkle them with your favorite no-salt spice mix and pepper, then roast them in the oven at 420 degrees for about 25 to 35 minutes (depending on how soft you like them).They come out really sweet and delicious.
  • I've read that calories are important but WHERE the calories come from is more important. You may be eating some things that are throwing your hormones out of whack which can result in weight loss (I.e. insulin) resistance. Do a Google search on Peertrainer. If you do a bit of research on that site, you can learn a whole…
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