

  • Congrats!! You've done wonderfully and look great :)
  • I need friends as well, new to this site I'm 5' 4 HW: 227 SW: 179 (Fell off the wagon and just got back on a month ago) CW: 169 GW: 145 I'm 32, no kiddos yet. Been trying for years so thinking of adopting.
  • So today is my official weigh in, and I won't step on the scale till next week. Going to try very hard to break that horrid habit of stepping on it every morning. But the good news is i finally broke under the 170's and am at 169 :) small but great victory to me since it's the first time I've seen 160's lol. Thanks…
  • Thanks for the support ya'll and the help. I appreciate it!! Congrats on getting under that 170 mark!! I can't wait to see that lol :)
  • I love reading the posts like this. I need to hear it, it helps in getting out of the woe is me mode, which I am currently in lol. Thanks!
  • Thank you and I agree with you. I usually only weigh once a week, on Sundays. But I made the mistake of weighing at the wrong time of the month, seen what I knew was a water weight gain, but it messed me all up and now every morning I've been checking to see if it's gone yet and it's messed with me I guess lol. I just…
  • Thank you all!! I haven't taken pics yet but I should do that. About 2 years ago I weighed 227 and lost down to about 170, I had kept it off till this past winter and gained back up to 179 and told myself that was it. So about a month ago I decided I am officially back to getting to my goal of 140-145. I am down to 170…