Having Trouble getting under 170

At first I thought it was because I had my time of the month, but I've been off now for 3 days. Still at 170, every morning I've been getting up now and checking to see if I lost that "water weight" but still stuck. I have not been cheating, staying at or right under 1200. I've seen alot of posts where your supposed to eat back what you exercise out if your under 1200 but if I do that then I won't lose any and I feel like I'm over eating. I have not exercised the last 3 days due to a horrible migraine so maybe if I eat the 1200 calories without exercising I will not lose? I'm so confused, disappointed and stuck at 170. I don't wanna give up, but every time I hit a platue my mind starts telling me well if that's all you can loose than what's the point...I know better but it gets hard to keep motivated sometimes when I don't understand if I'm doing what I am supposed to do but not getting anywhere. Ugh...What's going on???


  • iamlaprell
    iamlaprell Posts: 71 Member
    I think you need to give it more time. Personally if I tracked my weight on a daily or even every third day then I would not have posted a 40 lb loss. I try to only weigh once a week or even further apart. I know that my weight will fluctuate and I'm okay with that because even if I put on a couple of pounds I am still able to fit a smaller size in clothing.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Agreed. Give it more time. Don't expect results on a daily basis.
  • sharonjean07
    Thank you and I agree with you. I usually only weigh once a week, on Sundays. But I made the mistake of weighing at the wrong time of the month, seen what I knew was a water weight gain, but it messed me all up and now every morning I've been checking to see if it's gone yet and it's messed with me I guess lol. I just don't get tho why I was doing so good, haven't changed a thing and still am setting at 170. I need to get that outta my head though and get back to how I was with just weighing in once a week. It's crazy that one little ripple caused such a mess for me. Thanks again
  • cidalia73
    cidalia73 Posts: 107 Member
    I've seen alot of posts where your supposed to eat back what you exercise out if your under 1200 but if I do that then I won't lose any...

    Not true. The 1200 calories is already a deficit, meaning you'll lose weight even if you do nothing. If you add exercise to that, and you don't eat any of it back, you're not giving your body what it needs just to function. Over time, your body may try to suppress your metabolism to make up for the short fall in calories. I would gradually start eating back those calories. The only days I don't eat back calories is if I'm really, really not hungry, but because some days I go a little over 1200, I figure it all balances out.
  • LauraRN88
    LauraRN88 Posts: 46
    I was stuck at 170 for a month and as of yesterday i'm finally in the 160's! You'll get there just keep on going and don't focus on the scale too much.
    I don't eat back all of my exercise calories just some of them.
  • sharonjean07
    Thanks for the support ya'll and the help. I appreciate it!! Congrats on getting under that 170 mark!! I can't wait to see that lol :)
  • sharonjean07
    So today is my official weigh in, and I won't step on the scale till next week. Going to try very hard to break that horrid habit of stepping on it every morning. But the good news is i finally broke under the 170's and am at 169 :) small but great victory to me since it's the first time I've seen 160's lol. Thanks everyone for the advice and listening to me whine ;o)
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    As advised, give it time. I've been trying to get out of 170 for over a year! Keep doing what you are doing and have faith that it will all work itself out soon.
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    So today is my official weigh in, and I won't step on the scale till next week. Going to try very hard to break that horrid habit of stepping on it every morning. But the good news is i finally broke under the 170's and am at 169 :) small but great victory to me since it's the first time I've seen 160's lol. Thanks everyone for the advice and listening to me whine ;o)
    You did it! Wonderful! Time for me to join you. :wink: