Here is what a typical day looks like: 4:30am wake up 5:00 am HARD BOILED EGG & maybe a piece (or two) of GLUTEN FREE TOAST if I'm hungrier than usual 5:50 bus to work 6:45 get to gym 7-8:30 GYM (I try to alternate between treadmill / elliptical ) and then I alternate days between arms and abs after cardio - I must say my…
Thanks for this!! Wil def bring it up at my next doctors visit. I must say that I've been really trying to cut back with food, a major reason why I started the shake diet. -- maybe an increased appetite from the yaz has to do with it too.
Thank you!!!! Will def check it out
I looked it up online thank you! What bothers me the most is that my BMI is in the overweight section. It's such a damper on my mood and it almost hurts emotionally even more knowing that I'm working out and nothing is changing. Well maybe measurements but that's it.
Yeah I'm going to start having to take my measurements .. Ill get back To everyone with those. I wish I started out taking measurements from the beginning. Better late than ever. Thanks.
How do I figure out my BMR and TDEE?
When I was at 141 I only bought one new pair of jeans. Those still fit. I think they were a size 8. Now I wear 10/12s. The 8 sill fits but a little bit tighter than before. To be honest I haven't worn them in months. I should see what they're like now. Thanks for your help.
Thanks so much for all of your suggestions. I just started getting into squats too. But I believe you're right with everythig you've said. I need to start doing squats more for sure. My friend said she lost her most weight by doing squats etc. I will buy some sort of protein powder this weekend. Maybe that's all I need.…