

  • Thank goodness for tomorrows!
  • Thank goodness for tomorrows!
  • Don't feel bad I totally blew it also, we had a pizza party at my office and I had 4 slices of pizza a peach cobbler for dessert. I also do really bad on the weekends and my best friend is coming in this weekend so I know she will want to go out to eat and have a couple of drinks.
  • lol, thats funny I also had oreos tonight along with sunflower seeds and a large glass of very sweet tea. Ok starting Monday I'm back on board and am gonna do this, thanks!
  • :happy: I am one of those that try every fad diet with short success. I know the things that I need to do to be successfull but always fall short. I think that by keep track of what I eat and the times I exercise will be the key. I get really depressed during my cycle, I'm sure the women out there understand, anyway when I…
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