PotScrubber Member


  • Good morning everyone! :smile: Penny, sorry to hear about the boyfriend issues. The other day I saw where someone said, "All boys are mean. Throw rocks at them." and I laughed out loud. I'm not condoning violence or anything like that but it struck me funny and tickled my funny bone. :smile: Didi, glad I could help. How…
  • Good morning everyone! :smile: Ron, WTG on your 20 pounds! Love your sense of humor! Your job sounds very exciting. :smile: Congrats on your new daughter! I bet it's going to be hard going back to work. :smile: Kami, like you, I need a little more than a few Atta Girls. Fantastic job on being smoke free for 5 years! If you…
  • Good Morning everyone! TGIF! :smile: Just a quick post from me. I've got to run all over town today getting groceries and running errands. I try to get out early so I'm not caught in so much traffic and am getting ready to leave the house shortly. Waving to everyone and hope you all have a great day! See you all later this…
  • Hi Ladies! I'd like to join in. I've been looking for some serious support for a while now. My friend feed is great but I need a little more interaction. I'm also not a Dump and Runner. :wink: I went back to the old thread and read the last page as well as the new posts in this thread but should have taken notes! Now I…
  • This year I just made up my mind that I was going to do it. Period. I AM NOT living, looking and feeling this way any more. :grumble: I've had very few issues staying within my calorie range, been totally on plan for 24 straight days now and really only missed a few before that since I started tracking in January (on…
  • I don't know if I have any successful tips. In the past I would just give in and indulge. I can say that I haven't had a whole lot of stress in the past month or two, some, but not enough to make me binge. My mind is in a really good spot right now and the more I look at my success the more it makes me want to keep pushing…
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