NeewMee Member


  • Yes. I like to know exactly what I have had. Helps me know how I need to adjust. :wink:
  • Yay! So excited for you!!
  • This. + I was diagnosed with malignant thyroid cancer in 2007 and had my thyroid removed. Went through RAI treatments while my husband was deployed. You'd be surprised what that little gland controls. Most days I couldn't even get out of bed and it took two years to finish my treatments and get my medication right. At that…
  • I have often said the reason so many people break 'resolutions' is because we haven't learned to have one or two cookies. We fall down and give up. I could easily eat a box of thin mints too. And I am in the beginning stages of turning my whole life around. I won't say I won't ever have another GS cookie but I won't be…
  • I'm a brand spankin' new lap-bander. I was banded on 12/13/12 weighing in at 331.6 lbs after two years of trying to keep weight off with a nutritionist. My insurance had me running circles to get approval but I finally did and couldn't be happier!! I decided on lap-band because I wanted the least invasive surgery and felt…
  • Great NSV!! :smile:
  • I am a lap-band patient. Because of my insurance it took me two years to get approved - that gave me A LOT of time to think. I was terrified of ANY surgery. I even up-dated my will I was so scared. But you know what scared me more? Continuing to live like I was living pre-weight loss surgery! I had a lot more weight to…
    in HELP! Comment by NeewMee February 2013
  • This! :-)
  • I am less than two months post-op. I am lucky to have thick hair so thus far I haven't seen any significant change. Still losing what seems to be a ton of hair but I did that before surgery so...? I worry about how much I am going to lose too.
  • Congrats! Love those NSV!!
  • Congrats on starting your journey! Looking forward to updates and following you on your way. I know how you feel about being excited and scared all at once. I was banded on Dec.13th so I'm pretty new to all of this too but have found some amazing & helpful people in this group. For me, it has been an amazing journey so far…
  • Thanks again everyone. I appreciate the support. I think I am just not going to worry too much about it as long as I know what I am choosing is GOOD. I rarely go over 65 carbs/day. Some days my choices are good and some days they could be better but they are most certainly way better than the choices I was making 5 weeks…
  • You look amazing! Way to go!!
  • I started out over 300 lbs and am just barely under now. I walk every day, twice a day while watching netflix or listening to a workout playlist of some upbeat songs. I also do some very basic stretch yoga. I have some medical issues that cause me great pain but I am able to do much more walking and weight lifting after I…
  • I've been trying to keep mine around 15-20 per meal and I do look at sugar but it is just all so very confusing to me, lol. I know fresh fruits have a lot of carbs and sugars in them (most of them do, anyway.) But I've been told better a sugar gram from a banana than a cookie. I still see 23 carbs in one banana and think…
  • Congrats!! You look amazing!!
  • Congrats on your hard work and success thus far! I think you are doing amazing. I just started the journey and I am 5 ft almost 300 LBS! I can promise you that what I consider a work out and gets my heart pumping isn't anything compared to what most of the people on here do. But I worry about me, not them. I have medical…
  • It's so wonderful to have a 'place' I can visit and get so much support and help! (Thanks to all who replied!) I am only a little over a month post-op. I really haven't had restriction from my band since Christmas. Everything has been learning to eat the proper way and following the rules; and I am glad I had this chance…
  • Thanks! I appreciate the info and support! :happy: I am excited to be on this journey. I try not to get too down or obsessed with something. Tomorrow is another day... (the old me would have never said that!) I haven't had a fill yet. I am sure that a lot of what I am able to eat now carb wise will be harder/impossible…
  • Congrats! You look incredible! :happy:
  • Yikes! Would have freaked me out. Hope it isn't anything serious though and doesn't happen again!
  • I very rarely drink anything other than water. If I do it is the occasional (3-4 times a year... maybe) glass of wine or low/no calorie unsweetened tea or half a protein shake when my protein is low for the day. That usually runs about 55 calories. I record everything that I put in my mouth though.
  • I make a new recipe on MFP and count everything. Better to record that I had more than I did than less but weighing it was a great idea- had never thought of that!!
  • I was told not to use anything on them but to let soapy water run over it. It took a lot longer for them to come off than the doctor said they would but I was afraid of tugging on them or using something that would infect my wounds so I just rolled the edges of the sticky as I showered each time. They eventually came off…