

  • Remind yourself why you started! Stay focused. Don't let a bad day ruin the future for a good day. Good luck!!
  • It is just a plateau, everyone hits it. Remain positive and stay on track and you'll be fine. It is recommended that you weigh yourself once a week at the same time, preferably in the mornings before you eat breakfast. Good luck and don't be so hard on yourself!
  • Everyone has been there. Everyone feels defeated at one point during their weight loss journey. I always tell myself that 'it took longer than a day to put on the weight, it's going to take longer than a day to get rid of it.' 7 lbs in a month is pretty freaking amazing! You should be proud of that!! You have jeans that…
  • I've done insanity and it was a great total body workout. But, if you're not looking for anything too intense you should go to -- they have a ton of free workout videos. You can do which ever ones you want to and they cater to all parts of the body. Good luck!
  • I have also started doing the couch to 5k plan. It's a really great plan for anyone hoping to get back in to shape/running. It'll help you build up your stamina. I'm doing a 5k in March and this plan is the only one that I have found to not be overbearing - with only 3 days a week. Good luck!! Stay positive. Stay motivated.